<p align="left"><font face="Arial">這賣家的介紹...</font></p><p align="left"><font face="Arial">You are looking at a Mint Gold Trimmed Parker 180 Brushed Stainless "Flighter" Fountain Pen with a <b>Gold Double Sided X/M nib.</b>. The cap is marked " ARKER - Made in USA". <b>It has never been inked. </b>With functional aerometric filler. The pen measures 5 1/8 inches, capped. New and Mint, no dings, dents or scratches. <b>Note the plain dishtop tassie, not a barrel type - only seen on early 180's. </b></font></p><p></p><p>180開始於1979年是細長的女性筆!</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-22 10:57:27编辑过]