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[翻译]LAMY history 凌美的历史

发表于 2007-6-20 18:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
<p><font face="楷体_GB2312" size="5">『1966』LAMY 2000 ——超过三十年的经典设计</font></p><p></p><p><br/><font face="楷体_GB2312" size="5">LAMY2000在1966年一经面市,便在设计新颖且不同寻常的的产品当中有了自己的一席之地。这些产品包括造型奇特的意大利办公用品,和产自法兰克福优雅的电子音响设备。在当时被称为包豪斯艺术的复兴。</font></p><p><br/><font face="楷体_GB2312" size="5">LAMY2000给了一个小型家族企业发现自身特质和其独特产品造型的机会,并能再更大的舞台上展示自己。这是因为有一种要生产出一种不局限于那个时代的产品的愿望。</font></p><p><br/><font face="楷体_GB2312" size="5">Lamy将这款商品的客户定位于那些成功,看起来精干却趋向内敛的中年男士。</font></p><p><br/><font face="楷体_GB2312" size="5">LAMY2000因为采用了前所未有的技术,也成为了一个科技上的话题。在此之前从没有人使用实心不锈钢作为笔夹。这种新工艺的采用,给了我们一种不锈钢与塑料结合的平滑的笔身。同时由于高质量的手工工艺,我们得到了一件有着几乎独一无二气质的产品。</font></p><p><br/><font face="楷体_GB2312" size="5">尽管加强了销售与贸易方面的准备,市场调查结果也十分积极,但是没有人想到LAMY2000能如此迅速的占领市场。另一方面长期市场也逐渐增长,由于对钢笔使用良好感觉随后推出的圆珠笔,自动铅笔,四色圆珠笔也受到了青睐。</font></p><p><br/><font face="楷体_GB2312" size="5">商业成功的象征和历经时间考验的设计,使得这款书写工具在三十多年后的今天仍在销售。正因如此LAMY2000几乎入选了德国和欧洲的所欲设计展并且再1984年获得了Buuse 长寿设计奖。</font></p><p><font face="楷体_GB2312"><font size="5">设计师:<span id="TgxPlaceholder1"> Gerd A. Müller</span></font></font></p><p>S:闲来练练翻译 水平有限 与“信达雅”向去甚远 附原文供参考 有不当之处望各位笔友斧正</p><span id="TgxPlaceholder1"><div class="imgshade1"><div class="imgshade2"><div class="imgshade3"><div class="temptext"><div class="temptextcontent"><div class="tempheadline">LAMY 2000 – more than 30 years of classic modernity</div><p>In 1966, when the LAMY 2000 fountain pen arrived on the market, it took its place in the ranks of products in a new and unusual design world. They included strange-looking office-machines from Italy, and coolly elegant electrical and audio equipment from Frankfurt. There was a talk of a Bauhaus revival.</p><p>LAMY 2000 was the great opportunity for a small family firm to find its individuality, its unique product profile and to make its appearance on a larger stage. This was not only due to the desire to create a contemporary product.</p><p>The customers at whom Lamy aimed this writing instrument were successful, middle aged men, who were image conscious, but tended towards understatement.</p><p>LAMY 2000 was also, technologically speaking, unknown territory. Never before had a clip been made of solid stainless steel - the was no precedent for this procedure, which would create an even surface of both stainless steel and plastic. In this way we created products whose almost unique character was due to the high degree of manual craftsmanship required.</p><p>Despite the intensive preparations of the Lamy sales force and the trade, despite positive survey results, no one expected that the LAMY 2000 would quickly make an impression on the market. However its permanent market penetration did increase, due to the example of the first users, and it was followed by a ball point pen, a mechanical pencil and a four-colour ball point pen.</p><p>The sign of the commercial success and timelessness of this design is that these writing instruments are still being sold today, more than 30 years later. As a result, the LAMY 2000 has been included in almost every selection of German and European design and in 1984 was awarded the Busse Long life design prize.</p><p>roduct design: Gerd A. Müller</p></div></div></div></div></div></span><p>解释:看了标题,又看了文章会有砖头飞来 我闪[em01] 一支笔就说是LAMY的历史有点站不住脚,其实有18款的介绍 但是精力有限,一时翻译不完 所以先翻译了最经典的 LAMY2000 当然也是最早的</p><p>原文链接<a href="http://www.lamy.de/en/unternehmen/produktinnovationen/design/geschichte?showyear=1966%20LAMY%202000&amp;preserveeditmode=false">http://www.lamy.de/en/unternehmen/produktinnovationen/design/geschichte?showyear=1966%20LAMY%202000&amp;preserveeditmode=false</a></p><br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-20 18:27:28编辑过]


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发表于 2007-6-21 11:13 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-20 20:36 | 只看该作者
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>万宝鹈鹕鸟</i>在2007-6-20 18:50:00的发言:</b><br/><p>是啊,一支笔就说是LAMY的历史是有点站不住脚,网站上其他18款钢笔的介绍也不能说历史,那些钢笔的年纪比LAMY 2000都还小。现在LAMY第二代掌门人Lamy博士他老爸以前是派克在德国市场的代理,后来自力门户单干了。LAMY比较厉害的是在强手如林的夕阳产业中找到了自己生存发展的道路,还有一个令人称道的是在企业转变中没有裁人,以前那些用简单机械制做钢笔的工人被培训成了CNC机器的操作员。</p></div><p><strong><em>万宝鹈鹕鸟老师 来座沙发倍感荣幸 着迷钢笔一月有余 所学有限还只能翻一些东西 来日方长 希望日后写写更有营养的东西 </em></strong></p>
发表于 2007-6-20 18:50 | 只看该作者
<p>是啊,一支笔就说是LAMY的历史是有点站不住脚,网站上其他18款钢笔的介绍也不能说历史,那些钢笔的年纪比LAMY 2000都还小。现在LAMY第二代掌门人Lamy博士他老爸以前是派克在德国市场的代理,后来自力门户单干了。LAMY比较厉害的是在强手如林的夕阳产业中找到了自己生存发展的道路,还有一个令人称道的是在企业转变中没有裁人,以前那些用简单机械制做钢笔的工人被培训成了CNC机器的操作员。</p>

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