Richard Binder是全球知名的和派克51专家,他老人家见过的和派克51恐怕比我们论坛上所有人见过的总和都要多。他又是欧美顶尖的笔尖专家,他对钢笔的欣赏能力是值得信赖的。这里是他对英雄100的评论:<br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/> <br/><br/>FWIW, the Hero 100 is one of only three truly aerometric pens ever made; the other two are the Parker "51" Mark I and the Parker "51" Mark II. Other pens with squeeze fillers are not really aerometric; and no converter ever made is aerometric, either.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>不管好坏,英雄100是有史以来三支真正采用解剖式打水的钢笔之一。其他两支是派克51 Mark I 和派克 51 Mark II。其他钢笔使用的挤压方式打水并不是真正的解剖式打水,并且所有吸墨器没有一个是解剖式打水的。<br/><br/>I have three Hero 100s, and I like them. The design internally resembles that of the Parker 61, not the "51", and the nib is 14K. I don't think the 100 is cheaply made; in fact, in some ways such as the metal threads for the barrel, it's better than a "51". The way it's held together is a little different, quite innovative in fact; it's very positive, and the 100's sac guard can't work loose the way the sac guard in a "51" can (unless it's one of the very early threaded ones). The sac guard in a 100 is thinner than that in a Mark I "51" but it's not flimsy -- for that you need to look at a Hero 329! smile.gifFor me, the choice between a Hero 100 and a Parker Frontier would be a no-brainer.<br/><br/>我有三支英雄100,我喜欢它们。英雄100的内部设计和派克61相似,而不是派克51。它的笔尖是14K的金尖。我不认为它的做工是低劣的。事实上在某些方面,如笔套上的金属螺纹,它比派克51更好。它的组装方式有点不同,实际上这种方式非常有创意。我对它的印象是非常正面的。英雄100的墨囊档板并不像51那样能松开地工作(除非它是早期有螺纹的一种)。它的墨囊档板比Mark I 的要来得薄,但并非是英雄329上差劲的那种。对我而言在英雄100和派克 51中做选择是不用脑子也能做出的。<br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/>我对钢笔术语不是很熟,翻译的名词可能不太确切。如有误请笔友指出。原文是在下面的链接:<br/><br/><br/><br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-18 18:07:20编辑过]