本帖最后由 licy07 于 2020-5-11 14:32 编辑
万特佳作为有名的意笔以雕刻系纯银限量最为出名,如混沌,冰与火之歌系列,指环王系列,当然还有很多不是那么夸张的雕刻系。自我感觉万特佳钢笔以“雕刻艺术”见长,钢笔该有的使用功能不如万/百。今天简单开一支万特佳为欧冠设计的一款纯银限量钢笔。关于此笔官网有一段介绍,鄙人不才,不献丑翻译了。To celebrate the start of the new UEFA Champions League season,, commencing September 2018 and culminating with the Final in June 2019, Montegrappa – Offcial Licensee of the UEFA Champions League are proud to introduce the new named the BEST OF THE BEST now the slogan of the UEFA Champions League.
As with the previous edition,, the cap is crowned with a three--ddimensional sculpting of the UEFA Champions League’s iconic starball symbol.In reference to the original Trophy Cup the inside is lined with an 18k gold coating Continuing the use of precious metals the signature clip is cast in silver, shaped precisely to match the UEFA Champions League Trophy Cup handles when the clip is viewed from the side.
Beginning with a resin barrel and cap of dark blue resin,, the entire pen is embellished with painstakingly crafted see through silver fret work featuring stylised illustrations of the classic football stadium’s aerial view and structure.. The core blue has been chosen as with the previous edition to represent the corporate colour for both the UEFA Champions League and Montegrappa.
Central to the pen barrel is the laser engraving of the UEFA Champions League Trophy Cup Observing the pen barrel’s back one notices a rectangular “pitch” like panel provided for any customisation the pen’s owner may wish to add.
On the pen’s blind cap applied with diamond cut laser engraving is the name of the collection BEST OF THE BEST.
A severely limited edition,, the production numbers for the UEFA Champions League BEST OF THE BEST pens are as follows 128 fountain pens and 128 rollerballs in Sterling Silver,, and 11 fountain pens and 11 rollerballs in solid 18k Gold.
128 represents the total number of football teams that have taken part in the game competitions since its foundation in 1954//555 until the end of the 2018//22019 season while 11 represents the total weight in kilograms of the Trophy.
The fountain pen is piston fed and its nib is made of 18k Gold it carries an etching representation of the UEFA Champions League “starball”symbol.. BEST OF THE BEST pens is delivered in packaging identical to the previous release to preserve continuity for collectors The blue lacquered wooden box bears the brand logos of this stellar collaboration – Montegrappa and the UEFA Champions League.. 下面看一下开箱图吧,本来想用单反拍几张美图的,结果红遍严重的要命,讲究看吧。
另外,值得说一下的就是它的上墨系统了,确实不敢恭维,如果玩玩,确实挺有意思的,像给机械表上发条似的,估计如果清洗钢笔,体验不可能好了。关于活塞系统有笔友总结过,后面会摘录。这只和必有描述的也不太相同,他说1930款用一段时间才有啪啪声,这只是上手就有啪啪声,它说的1930款需要拧20圈,这只我数了一下,需要7圈不到,不知道改设计了,还是怎么。 现摘录笔友评价,如有侵权,请联系删除。 关于万特佳的活塞 万特佳的活塞是属于对一般差动式活塞结构进行修改后的产物。官方称之“棘轮式活塞”,主要特点有六:1,全金属材质(除了活塞头),重,2,会发出声音,3,固定位置的活塞帽,4,拧动时的齿轮啮合感,5,使用过程中容易断墨,6,一次行程活塞帽需要足足拧够二十圈,延长上墨时的美妙经历以及洗笔时的痛苦体验。 因为主体结构被万特佳出于专利保护的缘由(借口)用金属外壳封死,所以我们没办法详细解析其结构,但是其基本原理却不难猜测:将活塞传动杆分为多段,彼此间安装传动齿轮。这样一来,在活塞运动时,活塞帽便不会随着活塞头的移动而上下移动,旋动活塞帽时,还能发出声音,并感受到齿轮啮合的触感。