现有一个问题,恳求各位前辈赐教。本人拥有两支百丽金、一支万宝龙波希米亚和一支Caran d Arche。本人特别钟情于英文书法,而且对Copperplate等传统花体书法非常痴迷,所以想订购一枚O型(Oblique)的笔尖,用于平时练字和英文书信交往时使用。请问,如果用Copperplate字体进行平时的英文书信交流和练习英文书法的话,OM和OB哪一种比较好呢?哪一种比较实用呢?
Oblique nibs have their tip cut at an angle instead of square. This means that the pen must be turned slightly to ensure that the nib contacts the paper properly.Oblique nibs come with the oblique angle to the left or to the right. The RIGHT oblique is more suited to left-handed writers.作者: 翠管 时间: 2011-2-12 15:16 回复 10#Edinburgh
Thank you for your kind reply! I heard that the oblique nib is also suitable for the Copperplate. I only need to know which size is good for the daily use for the correspondence.
Your name is Edinburgh. My brother is staying in Edinburgh. I had visited Edinburgh in 2006.