第三位是新进笔友×××(抱歉真的叫不出他的论坛id),王剑锋先生的助理-----今天客串我的助理,协调餐厅事务。第一个到,第一个走(饭是一口未吃)。作者: yexihuan 时间: 2010-4-26 02:35
what the magnificent party that we just have witnessed and participated!
It occurred to me recently that playing with pens is not only a hobby, but also a choice choosen by ourselves;a experience we should cherish.whateva will the fountain pen be seen as a phenomenon of plight or prosperity,somehow i will never regret to put my passion in such a thing decades later=that's all about to meet decent friends all around;,this is the answer to such a addiction!
for all these sake,thanks to the kindly organization and initiative of王总, meanwhile,洗心is absolutely the best coordinator i've ever seen.
iam so happy today作者: yexihuan 时间: 2010-4-26 02:43
using fountain has be seen as weird,even eccentric,but hey,this is really cooooool作者: Chou 时间: 2010-4-26 03:39
大成功~~~作者: 50mm看世界 时间: 2010-4-26 05:24
樓上的樓上請您還是用中文吧, 您掰著累咱看著也累作者: speedy 时间: 2010-4-26 08:11
喔!我看 yexihuan兄的洋文兒是非常的溜的,有需要。待回我把這篇連到國外給老外筆友也瞧瞧。作者: iorik 时间: 2010-4-26 08:14 本帖最后由 iorik 于 2010-4-26 08:24 编辑