
标题: 转帖自FPN的review,我最近非常着迷的两支笔 [打印本页]

作者: lonlycat0    时间: 2009-12-15 09:00
标题: 转帖自FPN的review,我最近非常着迷的两支笔
I've been interested in the Pilot Decimo since I started hearing aboutit. First, because the current Vanishing Point/Capless model is alittle heavy for me at times. I love my Raden Capless; it's a gorgeouspen, but sometimes I think the old plastic faceted VPs were betterworkhorses overall. And second, I have a little Vanishing Point arraythat I thought would benefit from the addition of a Decimo. So Iordered one from from Ujuku's website, an easy transaction, followedwithin a week by this pen (bottom):

A quick nomenclature note: Namiki/Pilot has apparently used the modelname "Capless" in Japan and "Vanishing Point" in the U.S. until thecurrent full-size model arrived with the name Capless. For the rest ofthis post, I'll call the old plastic model the Vanishing Point or VP,the current full size model the Capless, and while the Decimo'spackaging called it the Capless Decimo, I'll just call it the Decimo.And by the way, the company name is Pilot on the barrel of the Decimo,rather than Namiki, as the old VP’s clip was inscribed and as myRaden’s barrel shows.

This is the "dark grey mica" finish, but I wouldn't call it terriblydark. In fact, it has a rather silvery tone that works with the rhodiumplated trim very nicely. I find that grey mica finish, by the way, tobe very handsome. The "mica" refers to the slight sparkle of thefinish. I chose the grey because I wanted it to complement mypredominately black VP collection: a mid-1960s VP, the 1990s facetedplastic model, and the Raden: all black, with a bit of color on theRaden, of course!

Now, I have to say that the Decimo strikes a very nice balance betweenthe previous light weight plastic VP and the current metal Caplessmodel. It is metal also, but because it seems to constructeddifferently, it is noticeably lighter than the Capless. I have weighedall three of my VPs on my office's postal scale and for what it'sworth, here's what I came up with: 1.1 oz for the Raden Capless, 0.8for the Decimo, and 0.7 for the plastic VP.

The shape of the clip is also quite different. The Decimo's clip isthinner and has a lower profile, making it much easier to deal with. Isay this as someone who does not have much of a problem with theCapless clip placement--except when I put a Mottishawed italic nib init and then my usual problem with italic nibs became much worse.Anyway, the old VP's clip placement did not interfere with my grip atall--it was almost "invisible" to my fingers, and I think the Decimo isa lot closer to that type of shape and position than the currentCapless. However, I don't think that someone who was bothered by theCapless clip will be fine with the Decimo: if you don't like the clipat the grip, you may not like any pen with this configuration!

The fit and finish of the Decimo is every bit as good as the Capless. Ilike the different mid-barrel rings, as they are a little lessobtrusive than are their counterparts on the Capless. The Decimo alsohas a subtle "bulge" at the base of the tassie that surrounds the clickbutton, lending a nice visual flow to the barrel.

This is the new rhodium plated 18K nib. Since I had a fine nib and amedium italic, I decided to try a medium. My nib, according to the datecode, was made in December 2005 and it has a hallmark at the base ofthe nib, something new, I believe, for VP nibs. It is, of course, aboutequal to an American fine and a fluid and smooth writer, in line withNamiki's great reputation. This model is about ease of use andreliability and it delivers. It really does give the simplicity of aretractible ballpoint and the liquid style of a fountain pen.

The pen comes with two cartridges and the special sleeve for carts,and--surprisingly, since the new Capless pens now come with a pistonconverter--a squeeze converter. Comparing this stainless steelconverter to the one that came with my 1998 VP, it is identical in sizeand shape.

This close-up of the clips illustrates how modest the Decimo's clip isnext to the full-size Capless. Yes, that's an accent mark over the "e".So is it the des-i-MO or DAYS-i-mo? Since no one has ever been able topurge the Midwest completely out of me, I'll stick with Des-i-MO,thanks!

To sum up a bit, this is a lighter, slimmer pen than the Capless, butevery bit its equal in quality. In styling, I actually prefer theDecimo, I think. It may be that the girth of the Capless demands a"statement" clip, but I prefer the Decimo's minimalistic clip and morerefined barrel rings. What really tells the story, though, is that Iwant to grab this pen every time I walk out the door. It doesn't weightdown the pocket of a lightweight summer shirt and, like every VP sincethe 1960s, a quick clip* and it's ready to write! I'm really pleasedwith this pen--if Namiki decides to market here, they will sell a lotof them. If not, the kind gentleman behind Ujuku will be mailing themacross land and seas for some time to come!

best, Dan

*A quick click: this characterization does not include the VP modelthat used a rotating mechanism to extend and retract the nib. I don'tknow how quickly that device worked, but judging by the many Safetypens I've used, not as quickly as the click button!
作者: 胖小孩    时间: 2009-12-15 09:22
作者: zxks    时间: 2009-12-15 09:59
作者: 8288712    时间: 2009-12-15 10:16
作者: 032    时间: 2009-12-15 10:19
作者: junit    时间: 2009-12-15 12:22
作者: junit    时间: 2009-12-15 12:22
作者: 两手空空    时间: 2009-12-15 12:35
作者: 50mm看世界    时间: 2009-12-15 12:44
今天看到了LAMY 那支新的,比較喜歡那個
作者: johnlu    时间: 2009-12-15 13:17
作者: 南宁闲散人    时间: 2009-12-15 14:05
作者: lgy-hz    时间: 2009-12-15 14:15
作者: lgy-hz    时间: 2009-12-15 14:17
作者: 50mm看世界    时间: 2009-12-15 14:38
作者: 50mm看世界    时间: 2009-12-15 14:38
作者: ron.td    时间: 2009-12-15 14:49
作者: lonlycat0    时间: 2009-12-15 15:35
回复 14# 50mm看世界

作者: monchy    时间: 2009-12-27 19:17
作者: ycliuchang    时间: 2009-12-27 19:50
作者: 邱QQ    时间: 2009-12-27 22:26
作者: matmat    时间: 2009-12-28 00:47

作者: 私房    时间: 2009-12-28 01:12
作者: matmat    时间: 2009-12-28 01:14
作者: yasege    时间: 2009-12-28 10:59
作者: 丁十三    时间: 2009-12-28 11:09
作者: wog    时间: 2009-12-28 11:27
作者: matmat    时间: 2009-12-28 14:53

作者: lonlycat0    时间: 2009-12-28 21:53
作者: Bobocat_    时间: 2009-12-29 01:55
呵呵. 阿財兄, 您的意思我明白的.

其實這款筆是鋼筆技術的重要里程之一. 只是有些人還當這是個新主意, 鬼點子.....其實VP和派75同年. 如果筆不好用不好寫, 經不起實證考驗, 百樂能將這筆生產那麼久嗎? 能有史皮持拉及拉梅去生產同樣理念的筆嗎?
作者: spinon    时间: 2009-12-29 08:32
呵呵. 阿財兄, 您的意思我明白的.

其實這款筆是鋼筆技術的重要里程之一. 只是有些人還當這是個新主意, 鬼 ...
Bobocat_ 发表于 2009-12-29 01:55


作者: shengjiongmin    时间: 2009-12-29 08:54
作者: 喜欢收藏    时间: 2009-12-30 17:52
作者: 喜欢收藏    时间: 2009-12-30 17:59
作者: 六如风    时间: 2009-12-30 19:45
最讨厌就是那夹子  丑死了  这笔200-300我还玩玩 18K都要900+
作者: 六如风    时间: 2009-12-30 19:47
回复 21# matmat

    这个估计还真没传统的方便,我看过拆 开的图,笔尖巨长,上墨和清洁都是个大问题
作者: juchom    时间: 2009-12-31 01:25
作者: Lucas.andy    时间: 2009-12-31 07:30
术语注解:并木/百乐 似乎曾用“无帽”作为在日本的,用“隐形尖”作为在美国的型号名称。直到现在到货的全尺寸型号命名为“无帽”。在这个帖子里,我将称呼老塑料款的“隐形尖”和现在全尺寸的“无帽”以及Decimo包装“无帽的”Decimo 统称为“Decimo”。顺便说一下,Decimo笔管上的公司名是百乐的会比公司名是并木的要好,和老隐形尖的笔夹上刻的以及我的Raden的笔管上刻的那样。
对这款黑灰面云母抛光,我不想称它为恶心的黑色。事实上,他有着银色的笔握,尤其是配合的镀铑的做工特别完美。我发现那灰云母抛光将特别帅。这个云母指的是稍微发光材料的抛光。我选择灰色的是因为我想它作为我的全黑色隐形尖的收藏的一个补充:一个60年代的隐形尖、90年代的塑料型和一个Raden,全是黑色的!当然Raden还是有一点彩色的。 (图片二)



作者: Lucas.andy    时间: 2009-12-31 07:34
作者: Lucas.andy    时间: 2009-12-31 07:36
作者: lonlycat0    时间: 2009-12-31 09:23



作者: lonlycat0    时间: 2009-12-31 09:32
terribly dark 恶心黑,hoho,ORL
作者: lonlycat0    时间: 2009-12-31 09:32
terribly dark 恶心黑,hoho,ORL
作者: matmat    时间: 2010-1-1 10:36
作者: lonlycat0    时间: 2010-1-1 10:45

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