标题: 买一支Pelikan Level 5钢笔 [打印本页]
作者: Prada 时间: 2006-3-14 02:51
标题: 买一支Pelikan Level 5钢笔
<p>不经意瞥了一眼,很便宜 不到1千,笔尖像镀了白金的不锈钢,很白亮,磨砂透明笔身,与pelikan那种旋转吸水的方式不同的是,这支笔可以吸3倍以上的墨水,所以,那些喜欢吸墨水多的又喜欢pelikan商标的人不妨买一个。 另外这笔看起来比较fashion, 现代一点。</p><p>[attach]9628[/attach]<br/></p>[attach]9629[/attach]<br/>
作者: Prada 时间: 2006-3-14 02:57
<p>[attach]9630[/attach]<br/></p><p>不过这笔倒是在英国很便宜 几十磅就下来了。 其他国家很贵,我看在美国都要卖1500元了。另外这笔还有镀铑的14K金笔尖可供选择,笔帽镀银,也很漂亮,拿在手里感觉比MXX更有特点。</p><p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0"><tbody><tr><td><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">
elikan Level 5 Black/Blue Medium Point Fountain Pen</font></b></td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><font face="verdana" size="2"><p><font face="Arial" size="2">The Level L-5 fountain pens combine innovative design with breakthrough technology. It features a docking system for refilling, while the refill ink is housed in a unique matching pen stand. The revolutionary Level fountain pen allows you to squeeze ink directly from the bottle into the barrel. No wiping after filling is necessary, as the specially adapted ink bottle fits right into the back of the pen. Internally, the Level has two tanks which hold a lot of ink, one for storage and one for writing. The Level L5 black fountain pen comes with a stainless steel nib and a silver housing for the ink bottle. <p>Fountain Pen Features:</p><ul><li>Blue resin finish barrel with black cap and front section. </li><li>Silver clip and trims. </li><li>Stainless steel nib in M, F & B sizes. </li><li>Revolutionary refilling system. </li><li>Treble ink supply as compared with conventional plunger fountain pen. </li><li>
en holder with integrated ink bottle. </li></ul></font></p><p>Fountain Pen Features:</p><ul><li>Blue resin finish barrel with black cap and front section. </li><li>Silver clip and trims. </li><li>Stainless steel nib in M, F & B sizes. </li><li>Revolutionary refilling system. </li><li>Treble ink supply as compared with conventional plunger fountain pen. </li><li>
en holder with integrated ink bottle. </li></ul><p></p><p>Fountain Pen Features:</p><ul><li>Blue resin finish barrel with black cap and front section. </li><li>Silver clip and trims. </li><li>Stainless steel nib in M, F & B sizes. </li><li>Revolutionary refilling system. </li><li>Treble ink supply as compared with conventional plunger fountain pen. </li><li>
en holder with integrated ink bottle. </li></ul></font></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-14 3:02:33编辑过]
作者: wuyxs 时间: 2006-3-14 08:34
作者: long37 时间: 2006-3-14 10:35
作者: 後羿 时间: 2006-3-14 10:54
作者: long37 时间: 2006-3-14 12:41
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>後羿</i>在2006-3-14 10:54:45的发言:</b><br/>上水怎么上?还要专用工具?</div><p>是专用墨水瓶,而且清洗比较困难,想换颜色几乎不可能.</p>
作者: 万宝鹈鹕鸟 时间: 2006-3-14 13:03
<p>我那时14K镀铑的卖不过千都没人要。[em03] 上水不是要专用工具,而是要Pelikan专用墨水瓶。</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-14 13:05:23编辑过]
作者: 後羿 时间: 2006-3-14 13:17
作者: superqmh 时间: 2006-3-14 14:39
作者: 韦伯猫 时间: 2006-3-14 20:19
作者: 钢笔龙 时间: 2006-4-10 21:04
作者: 海合上升 时间: 2006-4-10 21:11
<p> </p>[em02]好赞的笔
作者: jack120 时间: 2006-4-10 21:31
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