由于是 翻译过来的 所以有些词会比较怪
[color=#000 !important]* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *年代学* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*尼斯贝特在Balerno Macniven成立了一个工厂,是卡梅隆起源
* p c . Lambertye水彩画开始生产,是起源的主料
* Hardtmuth是foundedby约瑟夫Hardtmudtin维也纳
*约翰和唐纳德·卡梅隆成为合作伙伴Macniven Macniven &卡梅隆有限公司成立。
* Mallat是foundedby琼贝Parigi Mallatin
*天鹅是foundedby约翰Mabie,亨利Toddin新Yorkas Mabie,托德和Co。
*莫顿是foundedby亚历山大Mortonin新Yorkas a·莫顿& Co
*是foundedby Brause Brause卡尔弗里德里希威廉Brause Brause,Bergfeldin Iserlohn,卡尔
* j . m .主料成功业务于1788年由p c . Lambertye
* Esterbrook是foundedby理查德Esterbrookin卡姆登,新Jerseyas美国钢铁笔制造公司
* Esterbrook是更名为Esterbrook钢笔制造公司
*斯宾塞哲学的是foundedby Ivison Phinneyin新Yorkas斯宾塞哲学的钢笔有限公司。
*金星是foundedby爱德华Weissenbornin Hobokenas美国铅笔公司
* Aikin兰伯特是foundedby詹姆斯Cornelious Aikin,亨利Lambertin纽约
*珍贝的Siphoide Mallat专利,钢笔的祖先
* Maruzen是foundedby Yuteki Hayashiin横滨
*巩特尔瓦格纳买Hornemann的油漆和油墨厂,未来,当卡尔Hornemann Pelikan退休
*德固赛foundedin Frankfurthas德意志金和西尔柏Scheideanstalt
* Jonhatan斯普拉格吟游诗人Mabie托德,变得Mabie加入托德&吟游诗人
* Soennecken是foundedby Friederich Soenneckenin Bonnas Soennecken -
* Soennecken搬到恩惠
*阿隆索t .交叉专利一个stilographic钢笔和一个新的机械铅笔
*约翰·费伯启动Johan Faber a G。,一部分将辉柏嘉
* Mabie托德&巴德开始生产钢笔书法的模型
*阿隆索t .交叉创建他自己的公司a . t .交叉,钢笔和铅笔制造商
*一个横笔公司成立于波士顿的钢笔生产,不同于a . t .交叉
* Kaweco是foundedby卢斯,Ensslenin Federhalterfabrik Heidelbergas海德堡
*英镑钢笔是foundedby罗兹·g·Lockwoodin Bostonas英镑钢笔公司
*刘易斯埃德森沃特曼得到他的第一个发明专利(no我们- 293545)进行多通道馈线
*沃特是Wirtin foundedby保罗·e·布卢姆斯堡,宾夕法尼亚州
*帕克是美国Parkerin Janesville foundedby乔治,威斯康辛州
* Hardtmuth介绍光之山的铅笔
* Aikin兰伯特开始钢笔生产
* Beaumel是foundedby大卫·w·d·w·Beaumel Beaumelin新Yorkas & Co。
* Soennecken钢笔开始生产
* Federhalterfabrik海德堡,将成为Kaweco钢笔,开始生产[4]
*沃特曼介绍了锥形盖模型(专利no我们- 512319)
*帕克专利(no我们- 512319)的“幸运曲线“支线
* Onoto介绍鹈鹕
* Staedtler注册密涅瓦商标
*双足飞龙是foundedby大卫Finburgh,亚历克Finburghin Leicesteras Finburgh的兄弟
* Esterbrook进入英国市场
*是詹姆斯·w·劳克林foundedby Laughlinin Detroitas劳克林笔公司
* a . a .沃特曼是foundedby阿瑟·a·Watermanin波士顿
* Pelikan介绍了油墨线Pelikan 4001
* h·科赫和r·韦伯获得海德堡Federhalterfabrik,变得Kaweco
*摩尔是foundedby沃尔特·f·库欣,w·f·Cushmanin Bostonas美国钢笔公司
*帕克专利(n - 622256o我们和n美国- 635700o)无接缝的钢笔
*峰会是foundedby欧内斯特·麦考利•Wadein Liverpoolas朗有限公司
*威廉姆森是foundedby乔治·h·Williamsonin Janesville
* Staedtler注册商标的火星
* a . a·沃特曼是更名为现代钢笔公司
* Staedtler注册Noris商标
* a . a·沃特曼获得专利的捻度填料
*克罗克是foundedby赛斯s Crockerin Bostonas克罗克笔公司
* Uhlmann的Eterno是foundedby埃米尔Uhlmannin米兰
* Eclipse是foundedby马克思Finstonein圣Franciscoas Eclipse钢笔Co。
* Kaweco介绍了ko绪机械铅笔
*尤金·莫罗建立法国Anonyme des anciens etablissements主料
*波士顿笔是foundedby查尔斯Brandtin Bostonas波士顿钢笔公司
* Roy康克林退休出售他的报价公司(或1907)
*康威斯图尔特是foundedby弗兰克·贾维斯,托马斯·霍华德Garnerin Londra
* Wahl加法机有限公司成立,是Eversharp起源
*帕克专利(no我们- 778997)矛头馈线
*完美是foundedby杰伊·g·j·g·骑手Riderin Rockfordas笔公司
* Soennecken Soennecken注册商标
* Soennecken介绍安全填料巷
*沃特曼介绍了铆接夹帽(专利no我们- 800141)
* 8月Eberstein开始生产钢笔在德国
* Jonhatan斯普拉格吟游诗人叶Mabie托德&吟游诗人
* Aikin兰伯特介绍一个泵填料模型
*天鹅是整合为Mabie托德& Co。
* Kaweco专利安全钢笔螺纹底翻了拷问帽(1909 ?)
*万宝龙是foundedby 8月Eberstein,阿尔弗雷德Nehemias,老人约翰内斯Vossin Hamburgas Simplo填料��。GmbH是一家公司
*沃尔特·a·犀飞利获得第一个专利(no我们- 896861)为他的杆填料
* SSS是foundedby Asashiro Hosonumaas SSS笔公司
* Edacoto是foundedby雅克Bonhommein Parigias Edac
* Goldfink是foundedin柏林
介绍了Inksight *天鹅
* Kaweco发布第一个目录,显示他们的初始模型Kaweco标记
*第一次跟踪的活动在一个advertizement Nettuno草案
* Onoto是注册为有限责任公司
*帕克专利(no我们- 990288)改进的幸运曲线馈线,名叫矛头
* SSS钢笔开始生产
*水手是foundedby Kyugoro Sakatain Kozeas坂田的独资公司
* a . a·沃特曼失去诉讼船工和应该马克他的钢笔不与l·e·沃特曼公司
*艾蒂安Forbin Bayard商标注册
* Kaweco介绍了616年Kaweco运动先驱(或1911 ?)
* Montegrappa是foundedby Edwige霍夫曼,Heidrich Helmin Bassano德尔Grappaas Manifattura Pennini奥罗每Stilografiche -埃尔莫的钢笔
*蒙特罗萨是foundedby Fritz Dimmlerin苏黎世
* a . a·沃特曼是重建现代钢笔公司在西弗吉尼亚州
* Onoto介绍一些模型在红色/黑色相间的硬橡胶称为古董(?)
*犀飞利是foundedby沃尔特·a·w·a·犀飞利堡Sheafferin Madisonas笔公司
* Soennecken扩展了范围的钢笔有许多模型
* Eversharp是约翰·c·Wahlin foundedby Chicagoas瓦尔的公司
* Eversharp进入书写工具市场生产Eversharp铅笔
* Kaweco收购莫顿,带着自己知道,开始它的笔尖生产在海德堡(1913 ?)
* Fullfeder Simplo的开始正式使用万宝龙GmbH是一家现代化的商标
* Simplo填料笔有限公司。GmbH是一家Fullfeder更名为Simplo GmbH是一家现代化的
* Maruzen介绍了猎户座
* Valvless Onoto介绍了
*英语分支获得Mabie托德& Co .成为Mabie托德&有限公司
* Mallat钢笔开始生产
* Meteore是foundedby Demilly,Degenin Parigias风琴制造商巴黎女子de p p r
* foundedby Nettuno是翁贝托·Vecchiettiin博洛尼亚
*帕克专利(n - 1197224o我们)洗衣机夹
* Tibaldi是foundedby朱塞佩Tibaldiin Firenzeas g . Tibaldi e C。
* Eversharp收购波士顿钢笔公司
* Tempoint Eversharp介绍了
* Pagliero是foundedby Paglieroin Settimo Torinese路易吉
*管心针是foundedby埃米利奥Peccoin Torinoas Pecco e c .管心针
*朱塞佩Zanini打开一个活动名为Arti Grafiche -朱塞佩Zanini,是重新起源
*哥伦布是foundedby Eugenio瑞-弗加型号Milanoas阿尔弗雷多Verga阿尔弗雷多全片Verga Snc天主
*莫里森是foundedby Torajirou Tanigawaas Kikaku笔公司
*飞行员是只foundedby Ryosuke,尾Wadain Tokyoas只制造公司
*萨尔茨是foundedby雅各萨尔茨,詹姆斯·萨尔茨,Ignatz Salzin纽约
* Wearever是foundedby大卫Kahnin北卑尔根,新Jerseyas大卫·卡恩Inc。
*极光是foundedby Isaia Leviin Torinoas Fabbrica Italiana通心粉一Serbatoio极光
* Mentmore是foundedin Londonas Mentmore制造公司
*阿曼德西摩尼注册业务“Lavorazione di articoli di通心粉在ebanite”
* foundedby赫尔曼Bohlerin壁蜂采是Dossenheimas银亮钢和Cie
*铂金是foundedby Syunichi Nakatain Tokyoas Nakaya简介
* Ripet是foundedby埃米尔KroutlinČeske Budějovice
* Stiassi e Tantini苏格兰未来主人,不要商标,成立
*尤尼克公司是foundedby m . m . Kothe,Vannier
* a . a·沃特曼在芝加哥出售改变名称安全笔公司搬到芝加哥
*朱塞佩Zanini建立e di通心粉Stilografiche Fabbrica接受e Raffinati Oggetti每Arti Grafiche
* Autopoint是foundedby w·e·Gerryin Chicagoas Autopoint铅笔公司
* Seth西尔斯·克罗克离开业务和他的儿子赛斯奇尔顿·克罗克接管了公司
*德威特拉法国foundedby大卫j . La法国,威廉·p·德Wittin剑桥,Massachussettsas德威特- La法国公司。
* foundedin全片接任是米兰
*约翰·汉考克是foundedin Bostonas鳕鱼笔公司
* Kosca是foundedby Koheler e Schaeferin米兰
*梅尔兹& Krell是foundedby弗里德里希·梅尔兹,Merzin Bieberau贾斯特斯科瑞,Georg
* Stiassi e Tantini注册苏格兰笔Italiana在商会的博洛尼亚
* Stiassi e Tantini c一年代建国(发行这枚邮票设计在Cancelleria艾德Affini)
*可胜,劳埃德和麦基嘉有限公司,关联到朗& Co,成为可胜有限公司
* Tibaldi介绍了正序连赢
*阿斯托里亚是Ilgnerin Amburgo foundedby Georg
* Ercolessi是foundedby埃德加多Ercolessiin米兰
* Eversharp介绍了发动机转Wahl
* Kaweco介绍第一杆填料模型
* Montegrappa开始钢笔生产(猜日期[7])
*风琴制造商巴黎女子de p p r是改名为拉羽d’or)
* Nettuno注册商标的Sicurezza Penna Nettuno为其笔
* Onoto介绍了一个stilographic InkPencil模型
* Onoto成为股份有限公司,改变所有权
* Onoto引入了一个正常的给料机,而不是最初的吃得太多(不确定日期)
* Stylomine是Zuberin Parigi foundedby伊夫·e
*极光发布第一个目录,所有的模型:r一个,一个r一个,11 f一个年代e
*巴Panici Freres & Co成立,他们将制造Bayard笔
* Edacoto开始它的钢笔生产
* Eversharp Tempoint离休
* Meteore介绍第一个模型和它的商标刻在帽
*阿曼德西摩尼寄存器Officine Meccaniche di Precisione西摩尼阿曼德
* Onoto介绍了Receder安全模型(或1921 ?)
*帕克介绍了小尺寸模型Duofold Duofold jr .和夫人
* Autopoint铅笔公司是由Realite买铅笔公司,更名为Autopoint产品公司
*奇尔顿是foundedby赛斯奇尔顿Crockerin Bostonas奇尔顿笔公司
* Duragraph康克林介绍了
*电晕笔公司是foundedby塞缪尔诉Coronain Janesville,威斯康辛州
* Eversharp介绍了签名
* Eversharp删除帕特。:会对邮票贴在Wahl引擎转
* Onoto介绍第一杆填料模型(1922年还是1924年?)
* Theodor Kovacs专利活塞灌装机
*笔有限公司是foundedby莱罗西,Rossiin Sandrigo马塞洛
* Scripto是foundedby莫尼a Ferstin Atlantaas m . a . Ferst公司
*朱塞佩Zanini建立他的Fabbrica di通心粉stilografiche e接受,在genere e riproduzioni藏书'arte opere d
* Onoto介绍了Mammout 1800
* Onoto引入了一个二线生产标志着德拉鲁
* Pelikan介绍了程式化与Pelikan喂养四只小鸡标志(或1926[10])
* Syunichi转变到东京的淫兽,发现Nakaya笔有限公司简介。
*重新生产Calende Sesto携带
* Eclipse打开一个加拿大分公司作为indipendent公司
*黄金闪闪发光的介绍了Goldstarry 256
*黄金闪闪发光的介绍了Goldstarry 257
*合景泰富是foundedby Grube弗雷德里克,海因里希Woringen,j . Knustin Wiesloch
*卢克索是foundedby海因里希Hebbornin Heidelbergas h . Hebborn & Co。
* Montegrappa开始生产Montegrappa品牌模型
* Montegrappa是买的亚历山德罗和多梅尼科•Manea赞赏
*奥玛仕是foundedby阿曼德Simoniin Bolognaas Officine Meccaniche阿曼德西摩尼
* Onoto介绍了玛丽公主在蓝色的硬橡胶
* Platignum是foundedin Londraas Platignum笔公司
* Stylomine钢笔开始生产
* Tibaldi介绍Duofold像模型(猜日期[11])
* Tropen是foundedby Schroederin Ludenscheid古斯塔夫
* Eversharp介绍了紫檀硬橡胶(? ? ?)
*哈罗德是Roggenbuckin Fromsdorf foundedby汉斯
*普通的要好foundedby Fagard是朱尔斯
* Arumia合景泰富介绍了
* Montegrappa是更名为Manifattura Pennini奥罗e通心粉Stilografiche艾摩
*飞行员介绍第一maki e笔
*的设想是foundedby弗兰克Sporsin Lesueuer中心,明尼苏达州
*公司Anonima Pennini国王(国王),将成为SAFIS,是建立在都灵
* Autopoint钢笔开始生产
*奇尔顿介绍第二个版本的气动灌装机(或1930 ?)
*的阿尔弗雷多Verga Verga关闭一些全片,Eugenio Verga继续哥伦布生产孤独
* Eversharp介绍赛璐珞模型在玉绿、青金石蓝色和珊瑚红的颜色
* Nettuno介绍其平顶模型(猜日期[14])
*奥玛仕的德尔dottore Penna专利
*欧米茄一个v m是foundedby阿尔弗雷多型号米兰
* Onoto产品转移到Strathendry在Fifeshire、苏格兰
* Pelikan获得活塞灌装机专利并启动Pelikan 100发展
* Soennecken介绍杆填料模型
* Eversharp介绍了装饰带
* Eversharp介绍个人点多变的大人物
* Eversharp介绍了黄金密封标志的生活保证
* Arumia Meisterklasse合景泰富介绍了
* Onoto介绍赛璐珞模型(或1926 ?)
* Nakaya笔有限公司独资有限公司更名为铂钢笔。
* Rotring是foundedby威廉Riepein Handels GmbH是一家Amburgoas Tintenkuli
*可胜,劳埃德和麦基嘉有限公司和朗& Co形成l .威尔逊&有限公司开始利用峰会品牌
*沃特曼介绍了船工9 x在彩色硬橡胶
*第一个已知的商标注册(注册。n 40112)将军又
* Bayard介绍了446巴
*康克林介绍Streamlined Endura Symetrik(或1930 ?)
* Eversharp离休Wahl引擎转
* Eversharp介绍了平衡
*原Kaweco破产、合景泰富获得商标和Kaweco Badische Fullhalterfabrik出生
*逻辑单元是foundedby翁贝托·Legnaniin Saronnoas l u s迪乌Legnani
* Pelikan介绍Pelikan 100第一活塞灌装机
* Tripen是foundedby乔治Cobyin Providenceas Tripen制造公司
*沃特曼介绍了船工9 x在电影
介绍了Superba *极光
* Bayard介绍了正常
* Bayard介绍了豪华的
*电晕di马里奥·迪亚兹是Diazin foundedby马里奥米兰
* Eversharp介绍巴西绿胶片
* Fendograph是建立在米兰的照料
*拉米是foundedby约瑟夫Lamyin Heidelbergas Orthos Fullhalterfabrik c.j.拉米
*勒伯夫介绍其套填料进化(或1931 ?)
* Littoria是foundedin罗马
* Mallat介绍Mallat 120
* Mallat介绍Mallat 130
* Mastilo是foundedby Ubaldo Massariin都灵
* Mentmore成为一家上市公司
* Montegrappa推出了赛璐珞模型(猜日期[7])
* foundedby安瑟莫Morain费伦泽是正
*奥玛仕专利第二版dottore Penna德尔
*奥玛仕的德尔calligrafo Penna专利
* Pelikan介绍两环Pelikan 100(11月或1931年1月?)
* Pelikan引入了一个圆形通风洞Pelikan 100(11月或1931年1月?)
* Pelikan介绍了111年Pelikan 14 k金桶和戒指
* Soennecken介绍了莱茵的黄金(912年、913年和916年)
* Soennecken介绍按钮填料
* Stylomine介绍了Stylomine 303
* Zemax档案是foundedby Zemein Sesto Calende压缩
*王者世界是foundedby Giacomo Capellain米兰
* Nozac康克林介绍了
* Eversharp介绍了多利安式
* Eversharp介绍了牛津大学的子品牌
* a . w .辉柏嘉和约翰·a·g·费伯开始加入
* Pelikan介绍了T111 Pelikan也称为托莱多
*在Pelikan Pelikan介绍100灰色,珊瑚,lapislazuli和黄颜色
* Pelikan介绍了用金箔Pelikan 110桶和帽
* Pelikan介绍更流线型的帽头Pelikan 100
* Pelikan介绍了112年Pelikan 14 k金桶和帽
*在Pelikan Pelikan介绍100桶的赛璐珞和硬橡胶部分(从6月)
* Soennecken介绍了赛璐珞在莱茵的黄金模型
* Stiassi e Tantini Italiana注册商标的苏格兰的钢笔
* Tibaldi介绍了Infrangibile(猜日期,指三十年代开始)
* Tibaldi取代球夹用一滴夹(猜日期,指三十年代开始)
* Superluxe Bayard介绍了
* Bayard介绍了特殊8
* Edacoto介绍自己的Duofold-style模型
* Electa是foundedby Cerianiin Sesto Calendeas大卫Primaria Stilografiche Fabbrica通心粉
* Eversharp离休装饰带
* Eversharp离休不期而至
* Bantham Eversharp介绍了
* Meteore介绍了铂尔曼
* Meteore介绍新杆填料模型
* Pelikan介绍了分
* Uhu是foundedby 8月Fischerin Badenas Uhu Werk h u m。
* Duocolor尤尼克公司介绍了
* Zerollo是foundedby但丁大卫Zerolloin热那亚
* Bayard介绍了Containance Superluxe码
* Bayard介绍了奢侈
* Edacoto介绍了Edacoto 104
* Edacoto介绍streamlined模型与五盖环
* Edacoto介绍“Edacoto”标记片段[17]
* Eversharp产生一些Bantham与世纪的进步展览标志
* Kikaku笔公司更名为莫里森
* Pelikan介绍了单通气孔在帽和一个弯曲的部分在100年
*犀飞利专利(n - 1926405o我们)其柱塞填料后称为真空费尔
* Soennecken修改了莱茵的黄金巷(模型1911、1913、1915和1917年)
* Stylomine介绍了Stylomine 303 b
* Stylomine介绍了Stylomine 303 c
介绍了Asterope *极光
* Panici Freres & Co是巴和商标更名为自来水笔“巴”是刻在剪辑
* Eversharp专利(n - 1980159o我们)可调笔尖
* Kaweco Colleg介绍
* Kaweco介绍了迪亚
* Fullfeder Simplo GmbH是一家Montblanc-Simplo GmbH更名为
* Pagliero注册商标(Reg红色圆圈。联合国51267年将军)
* Pelikan介绍了欧什Pelikan铅笔
* Pelikan黄颜色为100年退役
* Pelikan修改分笔尖印记
* SAFIS注册商标(Reg的半径。联合国50489年将军)
*公司Anonima Pennini国王(国王)成为公司Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche(SAFIS)(猜日期[19])
介绍一个乐队* Bayard装饰在Superluxe模型
*哥伦布介绍了哥伦布3 x(猜日期,代表了30年代中期)
* Esterbrook介绍美元的钢笔
* Faber-Castellbegins壁蜂采收购
* Kaweco介绍这项运动
* Montegrappa介绍了Montegrappa额外的品牌(猜日期[21])
* Montegrappa介绍在上雕琢平面的模型
* Onoto介绍可见墨水在透明胶片
* Pelikan葡萄牙生产以Emege印记
* Pelikan介绍了颜色布朗和乌龟在100年,最后一个是退休不久之后
* Pelikan介绍了颜色红、蓝、绿、乌龟、蜥蜴皮在101
* Pelikan印记笔尖的大小对馈线
* 101年版Pelikan介绍了短帽头
*铂开始maki e生产,引进Kanshitsu和珍珠镶嵌的风格
* Rotring在Riepe Werk改名
* Prasident Soennecken介绍了
* Soennecken介绍第一活塞灌装机模型
* Tibaldi在三个版本的修改Infrangibile(猜日期,指的是30年代)
介绍了Etiopia *极光
* Eversharp介绍了冠状头饰
* Eversharp介绍了柱塞填料
*菲利波利维奥Giriodi和各个注册Itala Cromograf商标(Reg。联合国54492年将军)
* Mallat介绍Mallat 150
* Mallat介绍了积分
* Superba Nettuno Nettuno介绍了
*奥玛仕的stantuffo tuffante灌装系统
* Pelikan离休分在德国市场取代它与朱鹭模型
* Pelikan介绍了宜必思
* Pelikan介绍了100年与光滑底叫做100 c
* Pelikan介绍布朗/龟色的101年的洛杉矶
* Pelikan印记笔尖的大小对柱塞回
*改革是改革Fullfederhalter-fabrik foundedin Nieder-Ramstadtas Gmbh是一家现代化的
*萨拉托加是foundedby Edoardo Russo Webberin米兰
* Stiassi e Tantini注册新的商标苏格兰Italiana
介绍了Superna *极光
介绍了Topolino *极光
* Bayard重命名奢侈线作为特殊的奢侈
* Edacoto介绍形状剪辑与箭头走点(或1935 ?)
* Kaweco介绍了Kaweco精英
* Onoto介绍了Onoto麦格纳
* Onoto介绍了小
* Onoto介绍了美味
* Pagliero改名在路易吉Pagliero e F。
介绍了Vacumatic Speedline *帕克
* Pelikan Pelikan T111离休
* Pelikan介绍Pelikan 101 n(国外市场)
* Pelikan介绍Pelikan 100 n(国外市场)
* Pelikan退休灰色、蓝色、红色和棕色的颜色为100年
* Pelikan离休红色,棕色/乌龟,乌龟色为101年
* Pelikan市场��个活塞灌装机分在荷兰和阿根廷
* Pelikan介绍“Pd“钯笔尖在宜必思
* Soennecken修改了莱茵的黄金巷(型号613和616)
* Staedtler改名在火星的铅笔和钢笔的工厂
* Stylomine介绍了Stylomine 303 v
* Niveauclair Bayard介绍了用可见墨水水平
* Bayard引入了另一个乐队在特殊的奢侈
*哥伦布介绍了哥伦布10 x
*康克林Endura Symetrik退役
* Nozac康克林离休
* Edacoto介绍了超级Edacoto 200也称为可见
* Eversharp介绍了起搏器
* Eversharp介绍了空气lite
* Pelikan离休Pelikan 11 x
* Pelikan离休Pelikan 101
* Pelikan介绍了100 n豪华版100 n金,101 n,100 n Weisgold托莱多,101 n金
* Pelikan开始使用标志和两个小鸡(?)
* Pelikan开始一般使用钯上司(标有“Pd”)
* Pelikan介绍在德国市场100 n
* Pelikan介绍在德国市场100 n
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 507
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 510
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 506
* Soennecken介绍了510年代Soennecken
* Stylomine介绍了Stylomine 303 d
* Tibaldi介绍了Lusso Tibaldi(猜日期[24])
* Tibaldi介绍了Impero(猜日期[25])
介绍了Biancaneve *极光
*拉米获得Fullaltergesellschaft Artus考夫曼和Co(猜日期)
* Montegrappa介绍了帽雕刻的MG首字母在一个圆(猜日期[26])
* Montegrappa介绍了活塞式灌装机(猜日期[27])
* Pagliero注册马克LPF在钻石(Reg。联合国58632年将军)
* l . & c . Hardtmuth提供活塞灌装机分
* Perop是foundedby弗拉基米尔·凯撒,埃米尔Kroutl,阿道夫·Krygar,František Zemanin布拉格
* Stiassi e Tantini成为年代我年代(公司Affini Italiana Stilografiche e)并开始usinig不要商标
*沃特曼离休船工9 x
* Zemax档案是正式注册的Zeme马西莫·e·c·Soc。Anonima
* Superstyl Bayard介绍了
* Bayard奢华的修改与更具流线型的形状
* Esterbrook介绍了Esterbrook 9000
* Eversharp Bantham离休
*公司公司和Eversharp Wahl融合成Eversharp Inc .的公司。
* Eversharp注册专利(n - 2255093o我们)的魔法饲料
介绍了Duofold Laidtone *帕克
*帕克介绍了蓝钻石生活保修(或1939 ?)
* Skyboy犀飞利介绍了
* Tuckaway犀飞利介绍了
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken S4
*年代我年代(老板不要商标)成为f我年代(Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche e Affini)(近似日期[30])
* Bayard介绍了超级奢侈
* Edacoto介绍了超级Edacoto
* Edacoto介绍杆填料模型与梯级的剪辑
* Esterbrook介绍了Esterbrook J
* Eversharp离休冠状头饰
* Eversharp离休起搏器
* Eversharp离休空气lite
* Eversharp退役的多利安式
* Eversharp介绍了天际
* Itala Cromograf是Giriodi foundedby菲利波利维奥Campanelliin Genovaas公司anonima vendita bicolore Itala Cromograf通心粉
* Meteore介绍了记录
* Meteore介绍前
* Meteore介绍了选择
* Nettuno介绍了Docet Nettuno(猜日期[31])
*改革Fullfederhalter-fabrik Gmbh成为改革Fullfederhalter-fabrik海因茨&荣格
* Estense是foundedby玛丽亚Pozzettiin Estense Modenaas马卡报
* Inoxcrom是foundedby曼纽尔Vaque Ferrandisin Barcellonaas工业MAVA
* Meteore介绍了钢Vaedium傲慢的人
* Pelikan停止朱鹭生产
* Pelikan产生战争版Pelikan 100没有金属环内部标记(6月)
* Pelikan停止生产的豪华版100年Pelikan n
* Pelikan取代活塞软木密封与黑色塑料(10月)
* Pelikan产生战争版Pelikan 100 n没有金属环内部标记
* Stylomine介绍了302年Stylomine机械铅笔
* Stylomine介绍了小麦耳刻装饰的剪辑
* Bayard介绍了精益求精的多变的笔尖
* Edacoto介绍了Edacoto 87“Le法国自来水笔”
* Esterbrook修改J将捻填料对杆填料
* Eterpen是foundedby Lazlo Biroin布宜诺斯艾利斯
* Eversharp介绍了第五大道
* Plexigraf Mallat介绍了
* Pelikan完全停止生产内部市场
* Stylomine介绍葡萄雕刻装饰的剪辑
* Mallat介绍了Plexigraf大三
* Pelikan离休Pelikan 100
* Pelikan完全停止生产在德国
* Eversharp介绍CA圆珠笔开始出现在美国市场
*雷诺兹是foundedby弥尔顿Reynoldsin Chicagoas雷诺国际笔公司
* Soennecken重启生产与Soennecken 504,506,507,Soennecken Soennecken Soennecken 510模型
* Taperite船工介绍了
*哥伦布介绍了哥伦布13 x(或1948[33])
* Eversharp离休第五大道
* Plexicolor Mallat介绍了
* Montegrappa介绍了Montegrappa 2 xx(猜日期[34])
* Montegrappa介绍了Montegrappa 3 xx(猜日期[35])
* Fulgens Pagliero介绍了
* Tibaldi修改了Trasparente(猜日期[36])
介绍了一个特殊的8 *巴新的版本
介绍了4 * Bayard Bayard新版本
*哥伦布介绍了哥伦布5 x(猜日期[9])
* Edacoto引入了一个Edacoto 87新版本,与透明的桶
* Montegrappa重新确立为“埃尔莫- Montegrappa s n c。”
* Onoto重启麦格纳生产,还与杆填料
* Pelikan重启生产
* Pelikan引入了一个新的100 n版本与一个笔尖带,两边夹(?)
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 116
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 120
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 110
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 112
* Stylomine介绍了404年Stylomine机械铅笔
* Bayard离休精益求精
* Edacoto介绍了Pointor按钮填料圆珠笔
* Esterbrook修改J使用珠宝两端
* Eversharp离休的天际线
* Eversharp介绍了雷蒙。洛伊威设计的交响曲
* Eversharp介绍了特使
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙14 x
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙24 x
*奥玛仕修改与新版本的55 x:尖顶(55 x / S)和在上雕琢平面的(55 x / F)
*帕克Laidtone Duofold离休
* Ripet停止操作
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 444(猜日期,代表了1947年和1950年之间的时期)
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 111(猜日期,代表了1947年和1950年之间的时期)
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 222(猜日期,代表了1947年和1950年之间的时期)
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 333(猜日期,代表了1947年和1950年之间的时期)
* Stiassi e Tantini停止操作
* Stylomine介绍了707年Stylomine圆珠笔
* Capostil Bayard介绍了
* Superstyl Bayard介绍了在一个新版本
* Bayard介绍了特殊8经济版
* Esterbrook介绍了Esterbrook SM
* Pelikan重启生产黄金的大人物
* Pelikan重启生产的朱鹭模型作为130年宜必思
* Pelikan删除边在100 n节
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 414
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 420
* Soennecken介绍了Soennecken 410
* Staedtler开始圆珠笔生产
* Bayard介绍超级勇武异常的人
* Kaweco介绍了克拉
*万宝龙介绍了新的24 x与spaten夹
*奥玛仕介绍了奥玛仕35 x
* Pelikan介绍Pelikan 400
* Pelikan介绍和退休sriped绿色和乌龟的颜色像400年的
* Pelikan介绍黄金上司在宜必思也为内部市场
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙34 x(猜日期[37])
* Montegrappa重新确立为“Fabbrica通心粉Stilografiche埃尔莫Montegrappa开发。”
* Meteore介绍了Pulseur与手风琴填料
* Pelikan退休101 n在彩色胶片
* Pelikan灰色颜色的退役100 n
* Stylomine介绍金属帽在Stylomine 303 d模型
* Stylomine介绍金属帽在Stylomine 303 v模型
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙74 x
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙64 x
*极光介绍了极光88 k
* Eversharp退休交响乐
* Eversharp离休特使
* Eversharp介绍文图拉
*万宝龙修改34个x线(或1954 ?)
* Pelikan介绍Pelikan 140
* Pelikan使100 n笔尖集团移动借助一个特殊的关键
* Pelikan介绍新的透明塑料活塞密封为100 n
* Rapidograph Rotring介绍了
* TIPdip犀飞利介绍了
*万宝龙离休万宝龙24 x
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙25 x
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙26 x
* Pelikan离休朱鹭130
* Pelikan离休Pelikan 100 n
* Pelikan介绍傲慢与它的标志,开始雕刻帽乐队在Pelikan 400
* Edacoto介绍连帽笔尖模型
*辉柏嘉介绍壁蜂采44 x
*辉柏嘉介绍壁蜂采88 x
* Onoto介绍了Onoto K
* Pagliero获得管心针商标
* Pelikan离休Pelikan 400
* Pelikan介绍了400年Pelikan n
* Pelikan介绍Pelikan 120
* Rotring介绍了Rollkuli第二版本
* Bayard介绍了Souverain精装的
* Pelikan离休Pelikan 400 n
*宜必思130 E Elektrographik出现在瑞士的一个目录
* Pelikan介绍了nn Pelikan 400
* Pulsapen是由Stylomine,Meteore,主料和尤尼克公司
*极光介绍了双核车(或1954 ?)
* Eversharp写仪器部门卖给了帕克
* Pelikan介绍Pelikan P1
* Pelikan介绍白色装饰在140年与CN傲慢的人
* Tibaldi是卖给了雷莫帕柳卡
*极光介绍了极光88 p
* Bayard介绍手风琴填料的Souverain精装的
* Edacoto介绍筒填充模型
*万宝龙介绍64 x翼笔尖
*万宝龙介绍64 x翼笔尖
*万宝龙产生34 x在绿色、红色和灰色,有明确的窗口
*万宝龙生产25 x在绿色、红色和灰色,有明确的窗口
* Onoto停止操作在英格兰,活动远销澳大利亚分销商
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙9 x
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙2 x
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙3 x
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙7 x
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙1 x
*万宝龙介绍了万宝龙8 x
*万宝龙离休万宝龙34 x
* Pelikano Pelikan介绍了
* Kaweco介绍连帽笔尖模型
* Onoto停止操作也在澳大利亚
* Kaweco介绍了Kaweco副总裁
介绍了Auretta *极光
* Pagliero停止使用管心针商标(猜日期[38])
* Pelikan离休Pelikan 400 nn
* Pelikan离休Pelikan 140
* Pelikan介绍Pelikan 30
* Rotring使用红环(Rotring)作为官方商标
* Tibaldi停止操作
* Soennecken公司失败和终止生产
*极光介绍了设计的Zanuso Hastil马可
* Brause停止钢笔生产
* Pelikan介绍了黄金上司在30模型
* Esterbrook停止操作
*飞行员介绍了骨螺(MYU 701)
* Kaweco失败和终止生产
1。多数Pelikan年代学尽可能参考这本书Schreibgerate Pelikan 1929 - 2004,通过Jurghen Dittmer和马丁·莱曼,我们使用他们的适应症也当其他文章(也在这个网站的引用)报告不一致的日期。
7。7、0 7、1对于大多数的意大利制造商许多日期只是猜,他更比一个特定时期的一年,像第一个或第二个一半的十年,或它的中期
8。极光年表,否则报道,指的是书中拉德拉极光木豆1919 ai giorni nostri的卢卡·德·庞帝。
9。9、0 9、1作为存档的公司在1942年被摧毁,轰炸之后,他们的��部,许多哥伦布日期只是猜,他更比一个特定时期的一年,像第一个或第二个一半的十年,或它的中期开始或结束,对更多的细节看看年代学在哥伦布页面。
12。12、0 12、1所有日期指功能或模型介绍又笔是猜到了,这样标记,因为没有目录或清单明确数据;因此引用年总是一个近似,指的是一个更广泛的时间周期(两年超过或者低于使用价值)。
13。卢卡·德·庞帝报告1927年的结束,莱蒂���亚Jacopini报告大约在1929年,一个飞行的“Esposizione di都灵”在1928年与赛璐珞模型导致尽可能正确的第一次约会。
15。代表美国的模型显示在1930 - 31康克林目录。
20。他指的是三十年代的开始;l . Jacopini拉德拉stilografica意大利中在谈到1938 c。一个,但是g . Fichera指出,advertizements谈到Regno d环意大利自行车赛”,所以他们必须在1936年之前。
28。鉴于基于商标注册日期(Reg。n 60764)将军。
33。在历史部分公司的网站援引这个日期,但是其他人(如莱蒂齐亚在洛杉矶Jacopini德拉Stilografica意大利中在1900 - 1950年)报告,1948年。
-- 1761 --
* Kaspar Faber starts a pencil production in Stein, is the Faber-Castell origin
-- 1770 --
* Nisbet Macniven founded a factory in Balerno, is the Cameron origin
-- 1788 --
* P. C. Lambertye starts a watercolors production, is the Paillard origin
-- 1790 --
* Hardtmuth is founded by Joseph Hardtmudt in Vienna
-- 1795 --
* Conté is founded by Nicolas-Jacques Conté as Société Conté
-- 1813 --
* Thomas De La Rue starts its activities in Guernsey, is the Onoto origin
-- 1827 --
* Gillot Steel Pens is founded by Joseph Gillott in Birmingham
-- 1832 --
* Carl Hornemann starts[1]a paint production factory, is the Pelikan origin
-- 1835 --
* Johann Sebastian Staedtler founded his pencil factory in Nuremberg, is the Staedtler origin
-- 1838 --
* printed the first catalog of the Hornemann's Paint and Ink Factory company, considered the official start of Pelikan activities
-- 1840 --
* John and Donald Cameron became Macniven partners founding Macniven & Cameron Ltd.
-- 1841 --
* George Sheppard started a gold nibs manufacturing company, is the Holland origin
-- 1842 --
* Mallat is founded by Jean Benoit Mallat in Parigi
-- 1843 --
* Swan is founded by John Mabie, Henry Todd in New York as Mabie, Todd and Co.
-- 1846 --
* Richard Cross and E. W. Bradbury begin their activities in the United States, is the Cross origin
-- 1848 --
* Morton is founded by Alexander Morton in New York as A. Morton & Co
-- 1850 --
* Brause is founded by Carl Brause, Friedrich Brause, Wilhelm Brause, Carl Bergfeld in Iserlohn
* J. M. Paillard succeed in business founded in 1788 by P. C. Lambertye
-- 1852 --
* Jean Benoit Mallat patents a metallic nib pen
-- 1856 --
* Eagle is founded by Heinrich Berolzheimer in New York as Eagle Pencil Company
* Esterbrook is founded by Richard Esterbrook in Camden, New Jersey as United States Steel Pen Manufacturing Company
-- 1858 --
* Carter is founded by William Carter in Boston, Massachusetts as William Carter Company
* Esterbrook is renamed as Esterbrook Steel Pen Manufacturing Company
* Spencerian is founded by Ivison Phinney in New York as Spencerian Steel Pen Co.
* Stafford's Ink is founded by S. S. Stafford in New York
-- 1861 --
* Venus is founded by Edward Weissenborn in Hoboken as American Lead Pencil Company
-- 1862 --
* John Holland acquire George Sheppard activity, giving birth to John Holland Pen Company
-- 1863 --
* Günther Wagner became a partner in the Hornemann's Paint and Ink Factory, future Pelikan
-- 1864 --
* Aikin Lambert is founded by James Cornelious Aikin, Henry Lambert in New York
* Jean Benoit Mallat patents the Siphoïde, a fountain pen ancestor
-- 1865 --
* Holland starts fountain pen production [2]
-- 1869 --
* Maruzen is founded by Yuteki Hayashi in Yokohama
-- 1871 --
* Günther Wagner buy the Hornemann's Paint and Ink Factory, future Pelikan, when Carl Hornemann retires
-- 1873 --
* Degussa is founded in Frankfurth as Deutsche Gold und Silber Scheideanstalt
* Jonhatan Sprague Bard join Mabie Todd that becomes Mabie Todd & Bard
-- 1875 --
* Soennecken is founded by Friederich Soennecken in Bonn as Soennecken Verlag
-- 1876 --
* Soennecken move to Boon
-- 1877 --
* Alonso T. Cross patents a stilographic pen and a new mechanical pencil
-- 1878 --
* Johan Faber starts the Johan Faber A. G., part of what will be the Faber-Castell
* Günther Wagner registers the Pelikan trademark, creating the Günther Wagner Pelikan
* Mabie Todd & Bard starts fountain pens production with the Calligraphic model
-- 1879 --
* Holland began fountain pens marketing
-- 1880 --
* Alonso T. Cross create his own company A. T. Cross - Pen and Pencil Manufacturer
-- 1881 --
* a Cross Pen Company is founded in Boston for fountain pen production, different from A. T. Cross
* De La Rue produced the Anti-Stylograph pen, a primordial fountain pen
-- 1882 --
* first fountain pen patent assigned to Paul E. Wirt
-- 1883 --
* Kaweco is founded by Luce, Ensslen in Heidelberg as Heidelberger Federhalterfabrik
* Waterman is founded by Lewis Edson Waterman in New York
-- 1884 --
* Holland open a new factory dedicated to fountain pens production
* Sterling Fountain Pen is founded by Rhodes G. Lockwood in Boston as Sterling Fountain Pen Company
* Swan Mabie Todd & Bard starts exporting fountain pens in England
* Lewis Edson Waterman get his first patent (no US-293545) for a multi-channel feeder
* Wirt is founded by Paul E. Wirt in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania
-- 1885 --
* Paul Wirt patents an overfeed feeder
* Wirt opens a factory in Iron Street, Bloomberg
-- 1886 --
* Waterman introduces the first barrel worked mechanically
-- 1888 --
* Carter is incorporated as Carter's Ink Company
* Parker is founded by George S. Parker in Janesville, Wisconsin
* Waterman is incorporated as L. E. Waterman Company
-- 1889 --
* Hardtmuth introduce Koh-i-Noor pencils
* Holland is incorporated
* George S. Parker begin to make fountain pens
-- 1890 --
* Aikin Lambert starts fountain pen production
* Beaumel is founded by David W. Beaumel in New York as D. W. Beaumel & Co.
* Eagle create a glass cartridge pen
* Soennecken starts fountain pen production
* Swan Mabie Todd & Bard starts using the Swan trademark[3]
* Waterman introduces the first desk pen with conical end
* Wirt proclaims the sale of 350,000 pens
-- 1891 --
* Eagle introduces the Eagle Fountain Pen
* George S. Parker begin a partnership with William F. Palmer
-- 1892 --
* Diamond is founded in New York as Diamond Point Pen Company
* Heidelberger Federhalterfabrik, that will become Kaweco, begins fountain pen production[4]
* Parker is incorporated as The Parker Pen Company
* Waterman introduces the tapered cap models (patent no US-512319)
-- 1894 --
* Parker patents (no US-512319) the "Lucky Curve" feeder
-- 1895 --
* Siebert and Lowen, producer of Matador pens, is founded
* Onoto introduces the Pelican
* Staedtler register the Minerva trademark
* Wyvern is founded by David Finburgh, Alec Finburgh in Leicester as The Finburgh Bros
-- 1896 --
* Caw's is founded by Francis C. Brown in New York as Caw's Ink and Pen Company
* Esterbrook enter the english market
* Laughlin is founded by James W. Laughlin in Detroit as Laughlin Pen Company
-- 1897 --
* A. A. Waterman is founded by Arthur A. Waterman in Boston
-- 1898 --
* Conklin is founded by Roy Conklin in Toledo, Ohio as Self-Filling Fountain Pen Company
* Alexander Castell renames the A. W. Faber in A. W. Faber-Castell
* Parker patents the slip-on cap
* Pelikan introduces the Pelikan 4001 inks line
-- 1899 --
* H. Koch and R. Weber acquire the Heidelberger Federhalterfabrik, that becomes Kaweco
* Moore is founded by Walter F. Cushing, W. F. Cushman in Boston as American Fountain Pen Company
* Moore introduces the Moore Non-Leakable Fountain Pen
* Parker patents (no US-622256 and no US-635700) the Jointless Pen
* Summit is founded by Ernest Macauley Wade in Liverpool as Lang Co Ltd
* Waterman introduces the spoon feed
* Waterman introduces the first version of its pump filler
* Waterman introduces the n. 10 nib
* Williamson is founded by George H. Williamson in Janesville
-- 1900 --
* Fend is founded in Pforzheim
* Parker introduces the gold filigree Lucky Curve
* Staedtler register the Mars trademark
-- 1901 --
* A. A. Waterman is renamed as Modern Pen Company
* the Self Fountain Pen Co. is renamed as Conklin Pen Manufacturing Co
* Seth Sear Crocker patents the blow filler
* Staedtler register the Noris trademark
-- 1902 --
* A. A. Waterman get the patent for the twist filler
* Crocker is founded by Seth S. Crocker in Boston as Crocker Pen Company
* Uhlmann's Eterno is founded by Emil Uhlmann in Milano
-- 1903 --
* Etienne Forbin become agent for some U.S. writing instruments manufacturers, is the Bayard origin
* Conklin hires Mark Twain as testimonial in its advertisement campaign
* Eclipse is founded by Marx Finstone in San Francisco as Eclipse Fountain Pen Co.
* Kaweco introduces the KO-MIO mechanical pencil
* Eugène Moreau establish the Société Anonyme des anciens établissements Paillard
* Waterman introduces the second version of its pump filler
-- 1904 --
* Boston Pen is founded by Charles Brandt in Boston as Boston Fountain Pen Company
* Roy Conklin retires selling his quotes on the company (or 1907)
* Parker introduces a first filling system based on rubber sac squeezing
* Schnell is founded by Julius L. Schnell in New York as Julius L. Schnell Pen Company
* Lang Co Ltd is established in 13 Hope Street in Liverpool
* Waterman introduces its first overlay model
-- 1905 --
* Bankers is founded in New York as Bankers Pen Company
* Conway Stewart is founded by Frank Jarvis, Thomas Howard Garner in Londra
* Wahl Adding Machine Co. is founded, is the Eversharp origin
* la Holland introduces the sleeve filler
* Holland introduces the Eureka
* De La Rue introduces the first pen with the Onoto brand name
* Parker patents (no US-778997) the spear-head feeder
* Perfection is founded by Jay G. Rider in Rockford as J. G. Rider Pen Company
* Soennecken registers the Soennecken trademark
* Soennecken introduces a safety filler lane
* American Lead Pencil Company registers the Venus trademark
* Waterman introduces the riveted Clip Cap (patent no US-800141)
-- 1906 --
* la Holland introduces the pull filler
* August Eberstein start producing fountain pens in Germany
* Parker introduces the Emblem Pen
* Jonhatan Sprague Bard leaves Mabie Todd & Bard
* Waterman begin the acquisition of the Aikin Lambert
* Riccardo Amisani begins[5]his Williamson reseller activity
-- 1907 --
* Aikin Lambert introduces a pump filler model
* the Conklin Pen Manufacturing Co was renamed Conklin Pen Company (do not match with patent data)
* Parker introduces the Parker Snake
* Lang Co Ltd is liquidated to create Lang Pen Company
* Swan is incorporated as Mabie Todd & Co.
* Waterman introduces its first safety, called Safety Filler (or 1908)
-- 1908 --
* Byers & Hayes is founded in New York
* la Holland introduces the hatchet filler
* la Holland introduces the elastic feed
* Kaweco patents a safety pen with threaded bottom to be turned by screwing the cap (1909?)
* Montblanc is founded by August Eberstein, Alfred Nehemias, Claus-Johannes Voss in Hamburg as Simplo Filler Pen Co. GmbH
* Walter A. Sheaffer get the first patent (no US-896861) for his lever filler
-- 1909 --
* Conway Stewart is incorporated as Conway Stewart & Co. Ltd
* Maurice Jandelle sell Conway Stewart pens in France under the Gold Star name, is the Gold Starry origin
* Montblanc introduces the Rouge et Noir
* Parker introduces the Red Giant
* SSS is founded by Asashiro Hosonuma as SSS Pen Company
* Swan starts fountain pen production in England
-- 1910 --
* Edacoto is founded by Jacques Bonhomme in Parigi as Edac
* Goldfink is founded in Berlin
* Montblanc introduces the first model called Montblanc
* Morrison is founded by Louis Morrison in New York as Morrison Fountain Pen Company
* Swan introduces the Safety Fountain Pen
* Swan introduces the Inksight
* la Waterman introduces the sleeve filler
* Waterman removes the external thread of the bottom on its Safety Filler
-- 1911 --
* Kaweco publish the first catalog, showing their initial models marked Kaweco
* first trace of Nettuno activities in an advertizement draft
* Onoto is incorporated as limited liability company
* Parker patents (no US-990288) an improved Lucky Curve feeder, named spear-head
* SSS starts fountain pen production
* Sailor is founded by Kyugoro Sakata in Koze as Sakata Seisakusho Co
* Waterman complete the acquisition of the Aikin Lambert
-- 1912 --
* A. A. Waterman loses the lawsuit filed by Waterman and should mark his fountain pens as Not Connected with the L. E. Waterman Company
* Etienne Forbin registers Bayard trademark
* Gold Starry becomes a registered trademark
* Kaweco introduces the Kaweco 616 Sport forerunner (or 1911?)
* Montegrappa is founded by Edwige Hoffman, Heidrich Helm in Bassano del Grappa as Manifattura Pennini Oro per Stilografiche - The Elmo Pen
* Monterosa is founded by Fritz Dimmler in Zurich
* Parker introduces the Jack Knife
* the first fountain pens marked Sheaffer were produced[6]
-- 1913 --
* A. A. Waterman was refounded as The Modern Pen Company in West Virginia
* Onoto introduces some models in red/black mottled hard rubber called Antique (?)
* la Parker introduces a gold ring at the cap top for women's models
* la Parker introduces the button filler
* Sheaffer is founded by Walter A. Sheaffer in Fort Madison as W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company
* Soennecken extends the range of fountain pens with many models
* Waterman introduces the coin filler
-- 1914 --
* Walter Boss enters Cross
* Eversharp is founded by John C. Wahl in Chicago as The Wahl Company
* Eversharp enter the writing instrument market producing the Eversharp pencil
* Kaweco acquire Morton, taking their know how and starts its nib production in Heidelberg (1913?)
* the Simplo Fullfeder GmbH start official use of Montblanc trademark
* the Simplo Filler Pen Co. GmbH is renamed as Simplo Fullfeder GmbH
* Montblanc introduces its star logo
* Parker introduces the Black Giant
* la Waterman retires the coin filler
-- 1915 --
* Walter Boss buys Cross from Alonso Townsend Cross
* la Holland retires the pull filler
* Maruzen introduces the Orion
* Onoto introduces the Valvless
* Lang Pen Company is liquidated and re-established with the same name
* the English branch acquire the Mabie Todd & Co. becoming the Mabie Todd & Co. Ltd
* la Waterman retires the sleeve filler
* la Waterman introduces the lever filler
-- 1916 --
* Conklin introduces its spring clip
* Mallat starts fountain pen production
* Météore is founded by Demilly, Degen in Parigi as Manifacture Parisienne de P.P.R.
* Nettuno is founded by Umberto Vecchietti in Bologna
* Parker produces the Trench Pen for the U. S. War Department, given to soldiers to write from the front line
* Parker patents (no US-1197224) the washer clip
* Tibaldi is founded by Giuseppe Tibaldi in Firenze as G. Tibaldi e C.
-- 1917 --
* Eversharp acquire the Boston Fountain Pen Company
* Eversharp introduces the Tempoint
* John Holland dies, his sons take over the management
* the American Fountain Pen Company becomes the Moore Pen Company
* Pagliero is founded by Luigi Pagliero in Settimo Torinese
* Parker retires the Red Giant
* Sheaffer create Morrison Plow Works plants
* Stilus is founded by Emilio Pecco in Torino as Pecco e C. Stilus
* Swan introduces models with ink pads for the soldiers at the front called Trench Pens
* Waterman introduces the new Waterman Standard Numbering System
-- 1918 --
* Giuseppe Zanini opens an activity named Arti Grafiche - Giuseppe Zanini, is the Ancora origin
* Columbus is founded by Eugenio Verga, Alfredo Verga in Milano as Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga Snc
* Corona Co. is founded in Manchester
* Cross became producer for Parker mechanical pencils
* Geha is founded by Heinrich Hartmann, Conrad Hartmann in Hannover
* Franck LeBoeuf patents a pen production method from celluloid tubes
* Moore introduces the firsts lever filler models
* Morison is founded by Torajirou Tanigawa as Kikaku Pen Company
* Parker retires the Trench Pen
* Pilot is founded by Ryosuke Namiki, Matsuo Wada in Tokyo as Namiki Manufacturing Company
* Salz is founded by Jacob Salz, James Salz, Ignatz Salz in New York
* Wearever is founded by David Kahn in North Bergen, New Jersey as David Kahn Inc.
-- 1919 --
* Aurora is founded by Isaia Levi in Torino as Fabbrica Italiana Penne a Serbatoio Aurora
* Conway Stewart introduces the first lever filler and safety models
* la Holland retires the hatchet filler
* Mentmore is founded in London as Mentmore Manufacturing Company
* birth of the Stöffhaas stores chain (selling Montblanc only)
* Armando Simoni registers a business for "Lavorazione di articoli di penne in ebanite"
* Osmia is founded by Hermann Böhler in Dossenheim as Böhler und Cie
* Platinum is founded by Syunichi Nakata in Tokyo as Nakaya Seisakusho
* Ripet is founded by Emil Kroutl in České Budějovice
* Sterling Fountain Pen is sold to Francis A. Harrigan
* Stiassi e Tantini future owners of Scotland and Tabo trademarks, is founded
* Unic is founded by M. M. Kothe, Vannier
-- 1920 --
* A. A. Waterman was sold changing name in Chicago Safety Pen Company moving to Chicago
* Giuseppe Zanini founds the Fabbrica e Commercio di Penne Stilografiche e Raffinati Oggetti per Arti Grafiche
* Autopoint is founded by W. E. Gerry in Chicago as Autopoint Pencil Company
* Burnham is founded by Harry Burnham in London
* Conway Stewart introduces the Duro
* Conway Stewart registers the The Conway Stewart trademark
* Seth Sears Crocker left business and his son Seth Chilton Crocker took over the company
* De Witt-La France is founded by David J. La France, William P. De Witt in Cambridge, Massachussetts as De Witt - La France Co.
* Fratelli Cavaliere is founded in Milano
* Holland start using the lever filler
* John Hancock is founded in Boston as Pollock Pen Company
* Kosca is founded by Koheler e Schaefer in Milano
* Merz & Krell is founded by Friedrich Merz, Justus Krell, Georg Merz in Bieberau
* Morton ceases operations
* Parker start producing mechanical pencils
* la Sheaffer introduces the Lifetime warranted models
* Stiassi e Tantini register The Scotland Pen Italiana at the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna
* Stiassi e Tantini founds A.S.C.A. (Azienda Specializzata in Cancelleria ed Affini)
* Curzon, Lloyd & MacGregor Ltd, associated to Lang & Co, becomes the Curzon Ltd
* Swan introduces the Longshort (guess date, from this advertisement)
* Tibaldi introduces the Perfecta
-- 1921 --
* Astoria is founded by Georg Ilgner in Amburgo
* Conklin introduces the first lever filler models
* Dunn is founded by Charles Dunn in New York
* Ercolessi is founded by Edgardo Ercolessi in Milano
* Eversharp introduces the Wahl Engine Turned
* Gold Starry starts producing fountain pens in French
* Kaweco introduces the first lever filler models
* LeBoeuf is founded by Frank Le Boeuf, Edward E. Le Boeuf, Leroy J. Learned, John H. Williams, Eugene E. Le Boeuf in Springfield
* Montblanc retires the Rouge et Noir
* Montblanc introduces some lever filler models
* Montegrappa starts fountain pen production (guess date[7])
* Manifacture Parisienne de P.P.R. is renamed La plume d'or
* Nettuno registered the Penna Nettuno Sicurezza trademark for its pens
* Onoto introduces the InkPencil a stilographic model
* Onoto becomes a public limited company, changing ownership
* Onoto introduces a normal feeder instead of the initial overfeed (uncertain date)
* Parker retires the Black Giant
* Parker introduces the Duofold
* Stylomine is founded by Yves E. Zuber in Parigi
-- 1922 --
* Ettore Ripamonti becomes Aurora exclusive agent and published first catalog[8]
* Aurora introduces the A.R.A. that appears in the catalog, only in size 4
* Aurora publish the first catalog, with all its models: R.A., A.R.A., F.A. e F.A.S.
* Bayard Panici Freres & Co is founded, they will produce the Bayard pens
* Columbus introduced the Columbus 670 model (guess date[9])
* Conway Stewart introduces the Dinkie
* Conway Stewart introduces the Conway Stewart Universal
* Conway Stewart introduces the Pixie
* Edacoto starts its fountain pen production
* Eversharp retires the Tempoint
* Météore introduces first model with its trademark engraved on the cap
* Armando Simoni registers Officine Meccaniche di Precisione Simoni Armando
* Onoto introduces the Receder a safety model (or 1921?)
* Parker introduces the smaller size models Duofold Jr. and Lady Duofold
* Parker introduces the models Duofold Deluxe with the metal band at the cap edge
* Sheaffer replaces the imprint "SHEAFFER-CLIP" on clips with "Sheaffer'S"
* Sheaffer introduces the Skrip ink
-- 1923 --
* Aurora introduces also the 3, 35 and 5 sizes for the A.R.A model
* Autopoint Pencil Company is bought by Realite Pencil Company and renamed Autopoint Products Company
* Chilton is founded by Seth Chilton Crocker in Boston as Chilton Pen Company
* Conklin introduces the Duragraph
* Corona Pen Company is founded by Samuel V. Corona in Janesville, Wisconsin
* Eversharp introduces the Signature
* Eversharp remove PAT. APPL'D FOR stamp on the Wahl Engine Turned
* Onoto introduces its first lever filler models (1922 or 1924?)
* Theodor Kovacs patents the piston filler
* Pen-Co is founded by Rinaldo Rossi, Marcello Rossi in Sandrigo
* Pilot introduces the first hard rubber lacquer coated models
* Scripto is founded by Monie A. Ferst in Atlanta as M. A. Ferst Company
* Swan introduces the Eternal
* Waterman introduces the woodgrain mottled hard rubber
* Riccardo Amisani registers Williamson trademark
-- 1924 --
* Giuseppe Zanini establish his Fabbrica di penne stilografiche e commercio, stampe in genere e riproduzioni opere d'arte
* Aurora introduces red and mottled hard rubber
* Carter starts fountain pen production
* the Columbus trademark is registered
* Conklin introduces the Endura
* Conway Stewart introduces the Dandy
* Conway Stewart registers Dinkie and Duropoint trademarks
* Dunn get its first bankrupcy filing
* la Montblanc introduces the Meisterstück mark
* la Montblanc introduces the first Meisterstück pens (25, 35 and 45)
* Montblanc introduces its pneumatic filler
* Onoto introduces the Mammout 1800
* Onoto introduces a second tier production marked The De La Rue
* Pelikan introduces the stylized with a pelikan feeding four chicks logo (or 1926[10])
* Syunichi Nakata tranfer to Tokyo and found Nakaya Seisakusho Pen Co.
* Sheaffer starts converting the production of its Flattop models to celluloid
* Sheaffer introduces the White dot
* Sterling Fountain Pen ceases operations
-- 1925 --
* Ancora carries the production to Sesto Calende
* Aurora introduces an official clip for its pens
* Chilton introduces its new pneumatic filler (or 1924)
* Conklin retires the crescent filler
* Eclipse opens a canadian branch as indipendent company
* Gold Starry introduces the Goldstarry 256
* Gold Starry introduces the Goldstarry 257
* Holland convert production to celluloid
* KWG is founded by Frederik Grube, Heinrich Woringen, J. Knust in Wiesloch
* Luxor is founded by Heinrich Hebborn in Heidelberg as H. Hebborn & Co.
* Montegrappa started the production of Montegrappa branded models
* Montegrappa is bought by Alessandro Marzotto and Domenico Manea
* Moore introduces Red Dot warranty
* Omas is founded by Armando Simoni in Bologna as Officine Meccaniche Armando Simoni
* Onoto introduces the Princess Mary in blue hard rubber
* Parker introduces the Black-tipped Jade first celluloid models
* Pilot introduces Laccanite pens
* Platignum is founded in Londra as Platignum Pen Company
* Postal is founded in New York as Postal Pen Company Inc.
* Stylomine starts fountain pen production
* Tibaldi introduces Duofold like models (guess date[11])
* Tropen is founded by Gustav Schroeder in Ludenscheid
* Wirt is incorporated ad Paul Wirt Pen Co.
* Wirt is sold by its founder, it will continue production for a few years
-- 1926 --
* Aurora introduces a R.A.2 version produced for the Touring Club Italiano
* Carter introduces the The Carter Pen first fountain pens with its own name
* Chilton moves to Long Island and introduces first celluloid models
* Eversharp introduces the Rosewood hard rubber (???)
* Haro is founded by Hans Roggenbuck in Frömsdorf
* JiF is founded by Jules Fagard
* KWG introduces the Arumia
* Montegrappa is renamed as Manifattura Pennini Oro e Penne Stilografiche Elmo
* Parker introduces the Parker Pastels
* Parker converts all production to celluloid, starting from Duofold
* Pilot open representative offices in Singapore, New York and London
* Pilot introduces the first Maki-e pens
* Spors is founded by Frank Spors in Lesueuer Center, Minnesota
* Società Anonima Pennini King (The King), that will become SAFIS, is founded in Turin
* Waterman introduces the rippled hard rubber
-- 1927 --
* Ancora introduces the Rapid sub-brand for safety with precious metal overlays (guess date[12])
* Aurora introduces the Aurora Duplex
* Aurora start using celluloid (unsure[13])
* Autopoint starts fountain pen production
* Bayard introduces its first lever filler models
* Carter converts its production to celluloid
* Chilton introduces the second version of its pneumatic filler (or 1930?)
* the Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga is closed, Eugenio Verga continue Columbus production alone
* Conway Stewart patents its button filler
* Dunn ceases operations
* Eversharp introduces celluloid models in the Jade Green, Lapis Blue and Coral Red colours
* Gold Starry introduces a lever filler model
* KWG introduces the Arumia Original
* KWG introduces the Colleg
* Moore introduces its first celluloid models
* Nettuno introduces its flat top model (guess date[14])
* Omas patents the Penna del dottore
* Omega A.V.M. is founded by Alfredo Verga in Milano
* Onoto productions is transferred to Strathendry in the Fifeshire, Scotland
* Parker convert Duofold from raised to flush band
* Pelikan acquire the piston filler patent and starts the Pelikan 100 development
* Pilot starts producing mechanical pencils
* Sager is founded by Salomon M. Sager in Chicago, Illinois
* Soennecken introduces lever filler models
* Swan introduces fist models in celluloid
* Waterman introduces the Ripple only for the No. 7
* Waterman introduces the nibs color code classification
-- 1928 --
* Aurora redesigns the Duplex model passing to whasher clip
* Eversharp introduces the Deco Band
* Eversharp introduces the Personal Point changeable nibs
* Eversharp introduces the Gold Seal mark for life warranty
* KWG introduces the Arumia Original
* KWG introduces the Arumia Meisterklasse
* Montblanc introduces celluloid models
* Onoto introduces celluloid models (or 1926?)
* Parker acquire Osmia for the european production
* Parker introduces the True Blue
* Parker introduces two rings on Duofold cap (three for the the De Luxe)
* Nakaya Seisakusho Pen Co. is renamed as Platinum Fountain Pen Co.
* Philipp Mutschler leaves Kaweco and founds Certo, future Reform
* Rotring is founded by Wilhelm Riepe in Amburgo as Tintenkuli Handels GmbH
* Sheaffer introduces the Pigmy
* Curzon, Lloyd & MacGregor Ltd and Lang & Co form L. Wilson & Co Ltd starting use of Summit brand
* Waterman introduces the Ripple in No. 5 size
* Waterman introduces the Waterman 9x in colored hard rubber
* Waterman introduces the white borded color band on the Ripple
* Wyvern starts using own branded nibs
-- 1929 --
* first known trademark registration (Reg. Gen. N. 40112) for Ancora
* Aurora underwent restructuring and starts the Olo and Asco sub-brands
* Bayard introduces the Bayard 446
* Bayard introduces its first celluloid models
* la Carter introduces the new pearltex material
* Carter introduces the Carter Pearltex Pen using the new material
* Columbus introduces the Columbus Extra
* Columbus patents its spoon filler
* Columbus starts celluloid production
* Conklin retires the Endura Flattop version
* Conklin introduces the Streamlined Endura Symetrik (or 1930?)
* Eversharp retires the Wahl Engine Turned
* Eversharp introduces the Equipoised
* Gold Starry retires previous models and convert all production to celluloid
* original Kaweco bankrupt, KWG acquire the trademark and the Kaweco Badische Füllhalterfabrik is born
* LUS is founded by Umberto Legnani in Saronno as L.U.S. di Umberto Legnani
* Montblanc retires the lever filler and the pneumatic filler
* Montblanc introduces button filler and the push-knob system
* Moore retires Red Dot warranty
* Parker retires the True Blue
* Parker introduces the streamlined version of the Duofold
* Pelikan introduces the Pelikan 100 the first piston filler
* Rupp is founded by Peter Rupp in Heidelberg
* Schnell introduces the Penselpen
* Sheaffer introduces the Balance starting the streamlined style
* Tripen is founded by George Coby in Providence as Tripen Manufacturing Company
* Waterman introduces the Waterman 9x in celluloid
* Waterman introduces the Patrician model in Onyx, Turquoise, Jet, Emerald and Nacre colors
-- 1930 --
* Ancora introduces celluloid models (guess date[12])
* Aurora joins Edacoto in the French market with Le Duo Moderne
* Aurora introduces the Aurora 42 a variant of Duplex with end lever filler (date uncertain)
* Aurora introduces the Superba
* Aurora introduces the Internazionale
* Aurora introduces the luxury version of the Duplex with three rings, decorative ring on top of the cap and clip inlaid (date uncertain)
* Bayard introduces the Normal
* Bayard introduces the De Luxe
* Carter company revises models using a streamlined style
* la Chilton introduces the Rocker clip
* Conklin introduces the All-American sub-brand for economic production (uncertain date[15])
* Corona di Mario Diaz is founded by Mario Diaz in Milano
* Cross introduces an enamelled bands fountain pen pairing with pencils
* Europa is founded
* Eversharp introduces the Brasilian Green celluloid
* Fendograph is founded in Milan by Fend
* Lamy is founded by Joseph Lamy in Heidelberg as Orthos Fullhalterfabrik C. J. Lamy
* LeBoeuf introduces its sleeve filler evolution (or 1931?)
* Littoria is founded in Roma
* Mallat introduces the Mallat 120
* Mallat introduces the Mallat 130
* Mastilo is founded by Ubaldo Massari in Torino
* Mentmore become a public company
* Montblanc restyling Meisterstück line with 20, 25, 30 and 40 models
* Montblanc starts engraving "4810" on nibs
* Montegrappa introduces its first celluloid models (guess date[7])
* Morans is founded by Anselmo Mora in Firenze
* Omas patents the second version of Penna del dottore
* Omas patents the Penna del calligrafo
* Parker retires from Osmia and the Osmia GmbH is founded
* Parker introduces the vest pocket Duofold
* Parker introduces the Vest Pocket Duette model
* Pelikan introduces two rings on the Pelikan 100 (November, or January 1931?)
* Pelikan introduces a round ventilation hole on Pelikan 100 (November, or January 1931?)
* Pelikan introduces the Pelikan 111 with 14k gold barrel and rings
* Dunhill become the world distributor of Dunhill-Namiki outside Japan
* Sheaffer introduces the blue Marine Green for Balance
* Soennecken introduces the Rheingold (912, 913 and 916)
* Soennecken introduces the button filler
* Stylomine introduces the Stylomine 303
* Waterman introduces the Lady Patricia in Onyx, Jet and Persian colors
* Zemax is founded by Massimiliano Zeme in Sesto Calende
-- 1931 --
* Atlantica is founded by Giacomo Capella in Milano
* Aurora introduces the Olo Lusso (guess date, stands for the beginning of '30s)
* Columbus introduces the streamlined version of the Columbus Extra
* Conklin introduces the Nozac
* Eversharp introduces the Doric
* Eversharp introduces the Oxford sub-brand
* A. W. Faber-Castell and Johan Faber A. G. start to join
* Gold Starry introduces the Rapex
* Omas introduces the Minerva Ellittica (guess date, refers to beginning of the '30s)
* Parker introduces the Burgundy Black Duofold
* Parker introduces the Quink ink
* Pelikan introduces the Pelikan T111 also known as Toledo
* Pelikan introduces on the Pelikan 100 gray, coral, lapislazuli and yellow colors
* Pelikan introduces the Pelikan 110 with rolled gold barrel and cap
* Pelikan introduces a more streamlined cap head on the Pelikan 100
* Pelikan introduces the Pelikan 112 with 14k gold barrel and cap
* Pelikan introduces on the Pelikan 100 the celluloid barrel and the hard rubber section (starting june)
* Platinum starts mail order sales
* la Sheaffer introduces the Feathertouch nib
* Sheaffer introduces the blue color for Balance
* Soennecken introduces the celluloid in the Rheingold models
* Stiassi e Tantini registers the The Scotland Pen Italiana trademark
* after Benelli was leaving the brand simply becomes Tibaldi
* Tibaldi introduces the Infrangibile (guess date, refers to beginning of the '30s)
* Tibaldi replace the ball clip with a drop clip (guess date, refers to beginning of the '30s)
-- 1932 --
* Ancora introduces the Ancora Duplex (guess date, stands for the beginning of '30s)
* Astoria is sold to Montblanc
* Bayard introduces the Superluxe
* Bayard introduces the Special 8
* Carter retires from fountain pen market
* Degussa acquire the Osmia nib production unit
* Edacoto introduces its own Duofold-style models
* Electa is founded by Davide Ceriani in Sesto Calende as Primaria Fabbrica Penne Stilografiche
* Eversharp retires the Deco Band
* Eversharp retires the Equipoised
* la Eversharp introduces the Adjustable Point nibs
* Eversharp introduces the Bantham
* Montblanc introduces the III economic line
* Météore introduces the Pullman
* Météore introduces new lever filler models
* Omas introduces the Omas Extra
* Parker introduces the Thrift Time
* Parker introduces sample of the Golden Arrow, the Vacumatic forerunner
* Pelikan introduces the Rappen
* Sheaffer stops production of the blue Balance model
* la Swan introduces the leverless filler
* Swan introduces the Swan Leverless
* Uhu is founded by August Fischer in Baden as UHU Werk H.u.M.
* Unic introduces the Duocolor
* Waterman introduces the Moss Agathe Patrician
* Zerollo is founded by Dante Davide Zerollo in Genova
-- 1933 --
* Aurora introduces the Novum [16]
* Bayard introduces the Superluxe Grosse Containance
* Bayard introduces the Luxe
* Conway Stewart introduces the International
* Conway Stewart introduces the Scribe
* the Canadian and the U.S. Eclipse are re-united under a single property
* Edacoto introduces the Edacoto 104
* Edacoto introduces streamlined models with up to five cap-rings
* Edacoto introduces "Edacoto" marked clips[17]
* Eversharp produce some Bantham with the Century of Progress Exhibition mark
* Gold Starry introduces small pen in preciuos metal from Viala Lilliput
* LeBoeuf ceases operations
* Kikaku Pen Company is renamed as Morison
* Omas introduces the Extra round smooth version (guess date[18])
* Parker retires the Thrift Time
* Parker introduces the Vacumatic
* Pelikan introduces the single vent hole on the cap and a curved section on the 100
* Sheaffer patents (no US-1926405) its plunger filler later called Vacuum-Fil
* Soennecken restyles the Rheingold lane (models 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1917)
* Stylomine introduces the Stylomine 303B
* Stylomine introduces the Stylomine 303C
* Swan introduces more streamlined models (or 1934)
* Waterman introduces the No. 7 and No. 5 models in celluloid
* Waterman introduces the 32 (?) models in celluloid
-- 1934 --
* Aurora introduces the Asterope
* Panici Freres & Co is renamed Stylo Bayard and the trademark "Bayard" is engraved on clips
* Conklin introduces the Word gauge on the Nozac
* Conway Stewart introduces the Cracked Ice celluloid
* Eversharp patents (no US-1980159) the Adjustable Point nib
* Kaweco introduces the Colleg
* Kaweco introduces the Dia
* LUS starts fountain pen production
* the Simplo Fullfeder GmbH is renamed as Montblanc-Simplo GmbH
* Montblanc introduces the piston filler
* Omas introduces the Minerva Classica
* Pagliero registers the Red Circle trademark (Reg. Gen. N. 51267)
* Parker introduces the Parkette
* Pelikan introduces the Auch Pelikan pencil
* Pelikan retires yellow color for the 100
* Pelikan modifies Rappen nib imprint
* SAFIS register the Radius trademark (Reg. Gen. N. 50489)
* Società Anonima Pennini King (The King) becomes Società Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche (SAFIS) (guess date[19])
* Sheaffer introduces the Wasp sub-brand
* Sheaffer introduces the Vacuum-Fil sub-brand
* la Stylomine retires the retractable nib
* Waterman reduces Patrician colours to Onyx, Moss Agate and Jet only
-- 1935 --
* Aurora introduces the Olo F (guess date, stands for the mid '30s)
* Aurora introduces the Aurora ML (date uncertain[20])
* Aurora introduces the Olo Gamma (guess date, stands for the mid '30s)
* Bayard introduces a decorated band on Superluxe model
* Böhler is founded by Hermann Böhler in Heidelberg
* Camel is founded by Joseph Wustman in Orange, New Jersey
* Chilton introduces the Wing-flow
* Columbus introduces the Columbus Extra Faccettata
* Columbus introduces the Columbus 3x (guess date, stands for the mid '30s)
* Columbus introduces the arrow clip (date approximate)
* Conway Stewart become a public company
* Conway Stewart introduces the diamond clip
* Esterbrook introduces the Dollar Pen
* Faber-Castellbegins Osmia acquisition
* Kaweco introduces the Sport
* Montblanc introduces the telescopic piston filler
* Montblanc introduces a three digit numbering system
* Montegrappa introduces the Montegrappa Extra brand (guess date[21])
* Montegrappa introduces faceted models
* Onoto introduces the Visible-ink in transparent celluloid
* Osmia introduces the Brilliant
* Osmia introduces the Supra
* Osmia introduces the Supra Luxus
* Osmia introduces the Osmia Brilliant
* Osmia introduces the Supra Progress
* Osmia introduces the Progress
* Parker retires the Duofold that no longer appear in the catalogs[22]
* Pelikan Portuguese production take the Emegê imprint
* Pelikan introduces the colors brown and tortoise on the 100, the last one was retired soon after
* Pelikan introduces the colors red, blue, green, tortoise and lizard skin on the 101
* Pelikan imprint the nib size on the feeder
* Pelikan introduces the 101 version with short cap head
* Platinum starts a Maki-e production, introducing the Kanshitsu and pearl inlay styles
* Radius introduces the Radius Extra (guess date, stands for the mid '30s)
* Rotring change name in Riepe Werk
* Sheaffer introduces the Vacuum-Fil on the primary production (on Balance model)
* Soennecken introduces the Präsident
* Soennecken introduces the firsts piston filler models
* Swan introduces the Visofil "V" series
* death of Giuseppe Tibaldi, direction passes to his nephew, Giorgio Schiassi
* Tibaldi restyles the Infrangibile in three versions (guess date, refers to '30s)
* Waterman introduces the Ink-Vue
-- 1936 --
* deemed disposal of the Astoria brand by Montblanc
* Aurora introduces the Etiopia
* Aurora restyles the Novum (uncertain date[23])
* Chilton introduces inlaid user intials on the Wing-flow
* Columbus introduces the Columbus 55
* Columbus moved into the new headquarters of Via Lamarmora in Milan
* la Eversharp introduces the Ink Shut-off
* Eversharp introduces the Coronet
* Eversharp introduces the plunger filler
* Faber-Castell introduces a Faber-Castell marked model
* Filippo Giriodi and Livio Campanelli registers the Itala Cromograf trademark (Reg. Gen. N. 54492)
* Mallat introduces the Mallat 150
* Mallat introduces the Integral
* Nettuno introduces the Nettuno Superba
* Omas introduces the Lucens
* Omas introduces the Extra Lucens
* Omas the stantuffo tuffante filling system
* Omas replace the band with three rings on the round Omas Extra cap
* Parker introduces the Challenger
* Parker introduces the Vacumatic Golden Web
* Parker produces only for this year the Senior for Vacumatic
* Pelikan retires the Rappen on german market replacing it with the Ibis model
* Pelikan introduces the Ibis
* Pelikan introduces the 100 with smooth bottom called 100C
* Pelikan introduces brown/tortoise color for the la 101
* Pelikan imprint the nib size on the plunger back
* Reform is founded in Nieder-Ramstadt as Reform Füllfederhalter-fabrik Gmbh
* Saratoga is founded by Edoardo Russo Webber in Milano
* la Sheaffer introduces the Visulated system for ink visibility
* Sheaffer introduces the radius clip on the Balance
* Stiassi e Tantini registers the new trademark Scotland Italiana
* Waterman retires the Patrician
* Waterman introduces the De Luxe version of the Ink-Vue
* Waterman introduces the double lever for the Ink-Vue
* Waterman introduces the Lady Patricia with Ink-Vue filler
* Waterman launch on French market by JiF agent some glass cartridge filler models
-- 1937 --
* Ancora introduces the Maxima (guess date, coincident with the trademark registration, Reg. Gen. N. 56845)
* Ancora introduces the Da-Ma (guess date, coincident with the trademark registration, Reg. Gen. N. 56845)
* Aurora introduces the Superna
* Aurora introduces the Topolino
* Aurora the colored Etiopia (date uncertain, but after the introduction)
* Bayard rename the Luxe line as Special Luxe
* Chilton patents the Lox-Top cap
* Columbus introduces the Columbus 112 (guess date, stands for the second half of the '30s)
* Columbus introduces on the Columbus Extra a shorter band with chessboard decorations
* Columbus introduces a Columbus Extra version with smooth band and arrow clip
* la Conklin introduces the Cushon Point nibs
* Conklin introduces the One Stroke
* Edacoto introduces stepped shaped clips with arrow point (or 1935?)
* japanese brands are forced to use steel nibs, called shiro nib
* Kaweco introduces the Kaweco Elite
* Onoto introduces the Onoto Magna
* Onoto introduces the Minor
* Onoto introduces the Dainty
* Pagliero change name in Luigi Pagliero e F.
* Parker retires the Vacumatic Golden Web
* Parker introduces the Speedline Vacumatic
* Pelikan retires the Pelikan T111
* Pelikan introduces the Pelikan 101N (foreing market)
* Pelikan introduces the Pelikan 100N (foreing market)
* Pelikan retires the gray, blue, red and brown colors for the 100
* Pelikan retires the red, brown/tortoise and tortoise colors for the 101
* Pelikan markets a piston filler Rappen in the Netherlands and Argentina
* Pelikan introduces the "Pd" palladium nib on Ibis
* Sheaffer introduces the Wasp Clipper
* Sheaffer introduces the 57 model, that will be named Crest
* Soennecken restyles the Rheingold lane (models 613 and 616)
* Staedtler change name in Mars Pencil and Fountain Pen Factory
* Stylomine introduces the Stylomine 303V
* Swan introduces the "VT" series for the Visofil model
-- 1938 --
* Ancora carries the production to Arona
* Aurora retires the Etiopia (date uncertain)
* Aurora introduces the Optima
* Bayard introduces the Niveauclair with visible ink level
* Bayard introduces another band in the Special Luxe
* Chilton transfer activities to Summit, in New Jersey
* Columbus introduces the Columbus 10x
* Columbus introduces the piston filler
* Conklin retires the Endura Symetrik
* Conklin retires the Nozac
* all Conklin assets are sold to a Chicago investor group
* Conklin introduces the Glider
* Edacoto introduces the Super Edacoto 200 also called Visible
* Eversharp introduces the Pacemaker
* Eversharp introduces the Air-lite
* Luxor transfers the production facilities in Cologne
* Montblanc starts producing piston filler only
* Omas introduces an arrow clip on the Extra Lucens model
* Parker introduces the Shadow Wave version of Vacumatic
* Pelikan retires the Pelikan 11x
* Pelikan retires the Pelikan 101
* Pelikan introduces the 100N luxury versions 100N Gold, 101N Weisgold, 100N Toledo, 101N Gold
* Pelikan starts using the logo with two chicks (?)
* Pelikan starts general use of palladium nibs (marked "Pd")
* Pelikan introduces in the german market the 100N
* Pelikan introduces in the german market the 100N
* the Pilot logo take the "P" letter instead of "N"
* Pilot is renamed as Pilot Pen Co., Ltd.
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 507
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 510
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 506
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 510S
* Stylomine introduces the Stylomine 303D
* Tibaldi introduces the Tibaldi Lusso (guess date[24])
* Tibaldi introduces the Impero (guess date[25])
-- 1939 --
* Aurora introduces the Selene (following Luca De Ponti, Letizia Jacopini talks about 1940)
* Aurora introduces the Biancaneve
* Aurora introduces the Platiridio nibs
* Aurora introduces the Optima second version, with triangular clip
* Chilton introduces the Golden Quill
* Colorado is founded by Orlando Quadretti in Bologna
* Conklin production is transferred to Chicago
* Lamy introduces the Favorit (guess date)
* Lamy acquire Artus Fullaltergesellschaft Kaufmann und Co (guess date)
* Montegrappa introduces the cap engraving of the MG initials within a circle (guess date[26])
* Montegrappa introduces the piston filler (guess date[27])
* Pagliero registers the mark LPF in a diamond (Reg. Gen. N. 58632)
* Parker retires the Parkette
* Parker retires the Challenger
* Parker introduces the Duofold Geometric
* Parker completed the Parker 51 development
* L. & C. Hardtmuth offers a piston filler Rappen
* Pelikan replace on all models gold and palladium nibs with chromiun-nichel nibs (marked "CN") for war restrictions
* Perop is founded by Vladimír Kaiser, Emil Kroutl, Adolf Krygar, František Zeman in Prague
* Pilot introduces the Pilot R
* la Sheaffer introduces the Flo-rite feed
* la Sheaffer introduces the Chem-o-pure ink
* Sheaffer introduce the Carmine Red color for the striped Balance
* Stiassi e Tantini become S.I.S.A. (Società Italiana Stilografiche e Affini) and starts usinig Tabo trademark
* Stilus introduce the Osmiria steel nibs (approximate date[28])
* Tabo introduces the Tabo Mentis (guess date, stands for the end of '30s)
* Tabo introduces the Tabo Rientrante (guess date, stands for the end of '30s)
* Tabo introduces the Tabo Trasparente (guess date, stands for the end of '30s)
* Waterman retires the Waterman No. 3
* Waterman retires the Waterman No. 7 & No. 5
* Waterman retires the Waterman 9x
* Waterman introduces the Hundred Year
* Waterman introduces the Waterman 5116
* Zemax is officially registered as Zeme Massimo e C. Soc. Anonima
-- 1940 --
* Aurora restyles the Novum a second time(uncertain date[29])
* Aurora introduces third Optima version, with tapered clip, three rings and metal decorations on the ends
* Bayard introduces the Superstyl
* Bayard restyles the Luxe with more streamlined shapes
* Columbus introduces the Columbus 25 (someone reports second half of '30s)
* Esterbrook introduces the Esterbrook 9000
* Eversharp retires the Bantham
* the Wahl Company Co. and Eversharp Inc. are fused into Eversharp Inc.
* Eversharp register the patent (no US-2255093) for the Magic Feed
* Omas replace the band with three rings on the faceted Omas Extra cap
* Omas introduces Permanio nibs
* Parker retires the Duofold Geometric
* Parker retires the Vacumatic Shadow Wave
* Parker introduces the Laidtone Duofold
* Parker retires the Vacumatic Burgundy color
* Parker introduces the Blue Diamond life warranty (or 1939?)
* Parker introduces in South America and the Caribbean
* Sheaffer introduces the Skyboy
* Sheaffer introduces the Tuckaway
* Sheaffer introduces the Balance in the Defender version
* Sheaffer dismiss (?) Wasp sub-brand production
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken S4
* Swan retires the Blackbird BT
* S.I.S.A. (owner of Tabo trademark) become F.I.S.A. (Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche e Affini) (approximate date[30])
-- 1941 --
* Bayard introduces the Super Luxe
* Chilton ceases operations
* Columbus introduces the Columbus 29
* Edacoto introduces the Super Edacoto
* Edacoto introduces lever filler models with stairstep clip
* Esterbrook introduces the Esterbrook J
* la Eversharp retires the Oxford line
* Eversharp retires the Coronet
* Eversharp retires the Pacemaker
* Eversharp retires the Air-lite
* Eversharp retires the Doric
* Eversharp introduces the Skyline
* Itala Cromograf is founded by Filippo Giriodi, Livio Campanelli in Genova as Società anonima vendita penne bicolore Itala Cromograf
* Météore introduces the Record
* Météore introduces the Prior
* Météore introduces the Selection
* Nettuno introduces the Nettuno Docet (guess date[31])
* Parker introduces the Parker 51 on the global market
* Parker introduces the Vacumatic Maxima with round bottom
* Radius introduces the Radius Extra Trasparente (guess date, stands for the beginning of '40s)
* Radius introduces the Radius Superior Trasparente (guess date, stands for the beginning of '40s)
* Reform Füllfederhalter-fabrik Gmbh becomes the Reform Füllfederhalter-fabrik Heinz & Jung
* Swan ends production in New York
* Waterman introduces a 5$ mid line pen, that next year will become the Commando
* Waterman introduces the Inkquaduct feeder[32]
-- 1942 --
* Columbus factory is destroyed by bombing, production is moved to Lesa
* Estense is founded by Maria Pozzetti in Modena as Marca Estense
* Inoxcrom is founded by Manuel Vaqué Ferrandis in Barcellona as Industrial MAVA
* Morrison introduces the Patriot
* Météore introduces the steel Vaedium nibs
* Pelikan stops Ibis production
* Pelikan produce war version for Pelikan 100 without metal rings for the internal marked (June)
* Pelikan stop production for the luxury version of Pelikan 100N
* Pelikan replace the piston cork seal with black plastic (October)
* Pelikan produce war version for Pelikan 100N without metal rings for the internal marked
* la Sheaffer introduces the conic Triumph Nib
* Sheaffer introduces the Triumph
* Sheaffer retires some Balance models
* Stylomine introduces the Stylomine 302 mechanical pencil
* Stylomine introduces a wheat ear engraved decoration of the clip
* Swan retires the Visofil
* Waterman introduces the Commando
* Waterman replace the Hundred Year with the Emblem
-- 1943 --
* Bayard introduces the Excelsior with changeable nib
* Edacoto introduces the Edacoto 87 "Le stylo de France"
* Esterbrook restyles the J converting the twist filler to lever filler
* Eterpen is founded by Lazlo Biro in Buenos Aires
* Eversharp introduces the Fifth Avenue
* Mallat introduces the Plexigraf
* Pelikan totally stops production for internal market
* Stylomine introduces a grape engraved decoration of the clip
* Waterman introduces the Waterman 1003
-- 1944 --
* Mallat introduces the Junior Plexigraf
* Montblanc plant is destroyed by a bombing
* Pelikan retires the Pelikan 100
* Pelikan totally stops production in Germany
-- 1945 --
* Aurora plants are destroyed by a bombing
* Eversharp introduces the CA ballpoint pens starts appearing in the USA market
* Reynolds is founded by Milton Reynolds in Chicago as Reynolds International Pen Company
* Sheaffer introduces the wire-band
* Sheaffer introduces the short nib on the Tuckaway
* Soennecken restart production with Soennecken 504, Soennecken 506, Soennecken 507 and Soennecken 510 models
* Waterman introduces the Taperite
-- 1946 --
* Ancora introduces the Ancora Lusso (guess date, stands for just after WWII)
* Columbus introduces the Columbus 13x (or 1948[33])
* Columbus restarts production in Milan factory
* Eversharp retires the Fifth Avenue
* Hans Roggenbuck is expelled from East Germany, Haro stops the activity
* Industrial MAVA is renamed as Inoxcrom
* Mallat introduces the Plexicolor
* Montegrappa introduces the Montegrappa 2xx (guess date[34])
* Montegrappa introduces the Montegrappa 3xx (guess date[35])
* Moore introduces the Fingertip
* Omas renew the Extra model introducing the new piston filler models 555, 556 and 557
* Omas retires the traditional lever filler Extra
* Osmia restarts production
* Pagliero introduces the Fulgens
* la Parker introduces the Red band filler on the Parker 51
* Sheaffer retires the Balance in the remaining version
* Sheaffer introduces firt ball pens
* Curzon change name in Summit Pens Ltd (guess date, stands for just after WWII)
* Tabo introduces the Vertex
* Tabo introduces the Tabo S
* Tabo introduces the Tabo V
* Tabo introduces the Tabo CO
* Tibaldi restyles the Trasparente (guess date[36])
* Waterman retires the Commando
-- 1947 --
* Aurora introduces the Aurora 88 designed by Marcello Nizzoli
* Bayard introduces a Special 8 new version
* Bayard introduces a Special Luxe new version
* Bayard introduces a Bayard 4 new version
* Columbus introduces the Columbus 5x (guess date[9])
* Edacoto introduces an Edacoto 87 new version, with transparent barrel
* Montblanc starts Danmark production
* Montegrappa was re-established as "Elmo - Montegrappa s.n.c."
* Onoto restart Magna production, also with lever filler
* la Parker retires the Red band filler on the Parker 51
* Parker introduces the Parker VS
* Parker introduces the new 51 arrow clip
* Parker introduces the Parker 51 Demi
* Pelikan restart production
* Pelikan introduces a new 100N version with a single nib band and lined clip (?)
* Sheaffer introduces the Fineline
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 116
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 120
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 110
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 112
* Stylomine introduces the Stylomine 404 mechanical pencil
-- 1948 --
* Bayard retires the Excelsior
* Conklin ceases operations
* Edacoto introduces the Pointor a button filler ball pen
* Esterbrook restyles the J using jewels at both ends
* Eversharp retires the Skyline
* Eversharp introduces the Symphony designed by Raymond Loewy
* Eversharp introduces the Envoy
* Hans Roggenbuck re-founded Haro in Regensburg
* LUS starts ballpens production
* Montblanc introduces the Montblanc 14x
* Montblanc introduces the Montblanc 24x
* Omas introduces the Omas 361
* Omas restyles the 55x with new versions: ogival (55x/S) and faceted (55x/F)
* Parker retires the Laidtone Duofold
* Parker retires the Vacumatic
* la Parker introduces the Superchrome Ink
* Parker introduces the Parker 21
* Parker turns the 51 to the aerometric filler
* Pilot creates the Nagoya ink factory and the Hiratsuka pens factory
* Pilot entered the market of stationery products
* Platinum introduces ballpoint with water based ink, forerunner of the roller pens
* Ripet ceases operations
* Sailor introduces the Parley Line
* Sailor began producing a line of celluloid pens
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 444 (guess date, stands for the period between 1947 and 1950)
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 111 (guess date, stands for the period between 1947 and 1950)
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 222 (guess date, stands for the period between 1947 and 1950)
* Soennecken introduces the Soennecken 333 (guess date, stands for the period between 1947 and 1950)
* Stiassi e Tantini ceases operations
* Stylomine introduces the Stylomine 707 ballpoint
* Wyvern introduces the Wyvern 707
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